On the table is a microscope. Any character looking into the microscope will see a microscopic basilisk looking up at him, and must save against stoning or be petrified on the spot.
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)09:03 No.6100336Every other turn, there is a 1 in 6 chance of an encounter. If there is an encounter, roll 2d6 to determine what |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)09:03 No.6100339worst DM ever |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)09:07 No.6100355The walls, floor, and ceiling of this room are all covered with mirrors. Not glass, mind you, but highly and intensely polished steel. Between the multiple reflections of everyone in the room, everywhere, made worse if the PCs are using torch or lantern light… they’re going to get lost if they turn even one corner in here. |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)09:09 No.6100367>>6100318 |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)09:12 No.6100387Opposite the door to the throne room is a giant carved crocodile head, mouth wide open, with a large diamond mounted deep within. A carving on the gem’s fixture (which can only be read if someone sticks a light source inside the mouth) says, “Kiss me.” |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)09:16 No.6100413 File1254489364.jpg-(92 KB, 583x700, tomblord.jpg) ![]() Inside the second door is the treasure vault, and crypt, of Karereca the Semi-Lich. Scattered around are 25,000 copper coins that have been painted to look like gold pieces, fifteen glass gems that appear to be incredibly valuable, one gem (indistinguishable from the others) that is actually worth d12 x 500gp, and several items which have no special abilities but detect as magical: two swords, a battle axe, a shield, a suit of chain mail, six vials of strange liquids of various colors and consistencies, and a staff. There is also a scroll case with a cursed scroll inside that will turn anyone who so much as sets eyes on its writing into an ardent pacifist who will absolutely refuse to carry weapons, wear armor, or engage in any activity that will result in the harm or confinement of another living being. |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)09:19 No.6100440 File1254489566.jpg-(64 KB, 400x527, goatsecover.jpg) ![]() In the northwest corner, there is a statue of a naked man bending way over so his ass is sticking out. Along the base of the statue is the inscription, “Test of Faith! Reach in without fear and receive your reward!” If a character reaches in to the statue’s ass without fear, they will pull out a small diamond worth d6 x 100gp. Each character may receive one such gem. If any character acts cautious or suspicious, especially trying to examine the hole, then a noxious gas will shoot from the hole, killing all within a 20’ radius unless a save versus poison is made. |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)09:22 No.6100466 File1254489778.jpg-(116 KB, 579x387, luxury-polo-house-bedroom2.jpg) ![]() This is a luxury bedroom with a four poster bed (with satin sheets!), nightstands, a wardrobe, dressing screen, and crystal chandelier. Two chests are in the room, one in each of the far corners. |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)09:24 No.6100477 File1254489855.gif-(75 KB, 428x375, ruby-diamond-ring-8.gif) ![]() (cont'd) |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)09:30 No.6100534 File1254490202.jpg-(19 KB, 197x314, magical and powerful.jpg) ![]() This room is absolutely stuffed with arms and armor of all types. Hundreds of maces, axes, etc (no swords, they’re intelligent enough to not be in this dungeon!), and dozens of suits of plate mail and shields and chain and… and… stuff! And it will all detect as magical! In tests it will all show up as +1 gear (10% chance that an item is + d4+1), but when used in actual combat, it will reveal itself to be cursed. Weapons will be minuses instead of pluses, and armor has a 75% chance to be a minus rather than a plus, and a 25% chance to simply make a character AC 9. |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)10:41 No.6101141 File1254494460.jpg-(128 KB, 600x750, lifemagazine.jpg) ![]() >>6100440 |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)11:14 No.6101449>>6101141 |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)12:01 No.6101869>>6100318 |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)12:02 No.6101888>>6101141 |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)12:15 No.6102024Man, this thread makes me a little nostalgic. My very first roleplaying campaign was with a dick GM like this. He made us run through a series of pyramids once, and the traps were so lethal that every player had to make a new character at least once. I think I had to make two new characters, and one friend died three or four times. |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)12:16 No.6102045>>6101888 |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)12:22 No.6102111On the way back we were attacked by giant desert spiders with poison and paralysis attacks. They were too strong to fight off, so they paralyzed another player and dragged him off for eating. We couldn't beat the spiders because they were too strong for us individually and had come in a swarm, but none-the-less the GM scolded us for letting a comrade get killed at the end of combat. |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)12:30 No.6102188After that the GM threw us a bone and "let us" figure out that the ruins were just part of some asinine star map that led to where all the ancient civilizations treasures were buried. As it turned out, the entire trove was directly beneath the archeologist town, and we found verifiable proof that this was the case. However, when we tried to tell the archeologists they needed to dig up a corner of the town, they refused, stating that they would not destroy all their hard work establishing this camp for the idiotic notions of a bunch of stupid mercenaries. |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)12:40 No.6102283When it was finally finished, we were sitting on an untold fortune. There were magical items worth billions, and all the coins were made of an extraordinarily rare kind of metal that was worth four times as much as platinum. However, the archeologists, who had done nothing except for making a town and hiring us, claimed everything for themselves, and we weren't allowed to take anything as a finders fee. Instead, the promised us something like a 10% cut for our efforts, which in the end we reasoned wasn't bad since 10% of infinity billion was still quite a lot. |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)12:44 No.6102313 File1254501850.jpg-(91 KB, 600x600, 600px-Explosive_Rage.jpg) ![]() >>6102283 |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)12:46 No.6102334>>6102283 |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)12:47 No.6102340>>6100440 |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)12:50 No.6102368>>6100355 |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)12:57 No.6102431>>6102283 |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)13:37 No.6102773>>6102431 |
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Anonymous 10/02/09(Fri)13:53 No.6102948>Pit Trap (d6 – 4 x 10’ deep, minimum 10’ |