Continuation of >>3045912
So I had just gotten done watching a horror movie at this all-night movie theater with some friends of mine. There were four of us. It was Halloween, just a little after midnight, and we were waiting in the parking lot for my friend's sister, who had borrowed the car.
The place is DESERTED. It's like we were the only ones there. The other moviegoers already left, apparently, and there was like one lone security guard somewhere near the entrance. I spot a group of four guys across from us, just staring. My friends notice them too. At this point they start following us. They remain directly across the street from us, but every time we move on ahead they mimic our movements.
Eventually, we run out parking lot, so we just do our best to ignore them... but they cross the street, walking towards us slowly. The security guard has disappeared as well, so we're all alone with these four other guys coming towards us. Finally, they stand right there in a semi-circle around us, and one of us speaks up and asks them if they want something. We hear a gun click. At this point, the guy's sister shows up, having pulled up right next to us, and we just climb in without another word, and tell her to step on it.
At this point the four guys start yelling after us, telling us that we got lucky, that we were dead next time they saw us around there, etc.
Never had any idea what this was all about and never saw them again. We still go to the movie theater anyway.
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Juba, The Baghdad Sniper !1EVr3uyPJI 11/23/08(Sun)18:10 No.3050287See, that is why you should get a concealed carry license. |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)18:10 No.3050293Maybe you were wearing rival gang colors? |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)18:19 No.3050339Me and my ex-girlfriend were walking out of a Chinese restaurant, when a group of skateboarders decided to harass us. It was pretty late, the restaurant was closing as we were leaving, and it was just the two of us and maybe five of them. So they start jeering, making some rather crude remarks. Eventually they stop skating, which kind of worries me a little. One of them stopped right in front of us. |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)18:23 No.3050362>>3050339 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)18:25 No.3050376>>3050339 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)18:28 No.3050393You know, I think the reason I never run into any encounters is BECAUSE I have a concealed carry weapon- the universe doesn't want to give me the chance to use it. |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)18:33 No.3050413One time my friends and I cut in front of a bunch of people in the Blockbuster line, dick move I know. Well as we were walking back to my house all of a sudden one of the guys we cut runs past and decks my buddy right in the nose. There's blood everywhere and suddenly we're surrounded by them and they start in on us. Eventually we catch a break when my friend whacks one of them across the face with this wallet chain. They're fucking shocked so we get the hell out of there. Fortunately we never saw them again. |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)18:36 No.3050427Got mugged outside a restaurant in the parking lot once. Around midnight, it was far from deserted, but no one helped. It was a skinny white guy with a switch, and I was a skinny white guy without one. He asked for my money, and I, without saying, "Okay" fumble for my wallet, which he takes to mean I'm fumbling for my skinny white guy .45, so he tags me in the left side of my abdomen with his switch, but I'm skinnier than he though, and really, he barely grazed me and went straight into the spare tire on the back of the Jeep he'd backed me up against. We both heard a pop and hissing, he took like five of my forty dollars, called me a cracker and legged it. I take this time to think to myself why I would be hissing, and realize that my side doesn't hurt as much as a stab into my liver should. I lean back and the tire gives in to my weight a little. I laugh uncontrollably, mostly out of anxiety, but a little because of the tire thing and four or five onlookers who didn't help are staring blankly at the guy who still his money in his wallet and who was just "shanked in the gut". And they see that guy laughing his ass off and continuing to walk to his car. And they see the other guy running full bore from who knows what. |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)18:40 No.3050453Over the course of my time on this island I've seen this one guy multiple times, in different cities, because he sticks out like a sore thumb. |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)18:58 No.3050536These stories gives me the urge to fashion myself some improvised brass knuckles. |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:05 No.3050596Not so much a random encounter as just someone who you'd never expect to see. |
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The Lionhearted !HAGYQOveO. 11/23/08(Sun)19:06 No.3050600>>3050536 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:11 No.3050638>>3050285 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:12 No.3050648Once I was walking home from games club with all my mini cases, card&games bag etc, through a bad area of town, though I'd done it tonnes of times before. I'm ever so slightly paranoid, so every now and then I glance over my shoulder. I saw two people walking towards me, about the same pace. I didn't think anything of it, but after a while I got the odd feeling they were following me. About thirty seconds after that, I looked back and they're gone. I got a little scared for a few minutes, but I soon began to relax, thinking "They were just walking the same way". I look back, and they're fucking there again, but the distance between us has halved. I get seriously freaked, but as soon as I convince myself they're following me, they're gone again. As soon as I feel safe, there they are. This happened twice more, and then they vanished. But, just as I was going into my house, I spotted them just across the street, sitting at the bus stop, staring at me. I locked every door and window, barricaded myself within my bedroom and fell asleep with a sledgehammer in my hands. In the morning, I went downstairs to find a note on my floor, which must have been pushed through my letterbox. I unrolled it, and all it said was "Lol". Fucking jerks. |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:15 No.3050665>>3050413 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:20 No.3050688I heard about some guy down in England who left his Games Workshop case full of metal minis behind at a busstop. Someone reports it and the police use a metal detector on it. With all the minis in there, there is a shit ton of metal, so they perform a controlled detonation on it. |
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The Lionhearted !HAGYQOveO. 11/23/08(Sun)19:22 No.3050701>>3050688 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:23 No.3050711>>3050688 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:25 No.3050724>>3050688 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:28 No.3050747About a month ago, I was at a Starbucks with two of my buddies. I we got some coffee and I went in to use the bathroom. I don't think I was in there long, but when I came out, a little line formed. So I go back to my friends' table and I see this weird guy waiting to go into the bathroom as well. He's mumbling something and just pacing around like he's not all there in the head. Then all of a sudden he comes up to me and asks me if I was a Mormon. I said no, and for the hell of it I asked if he was. And he goes,"Fuck no! I hate Mormons!" He said it loud to so everyone stared at him. Then he just barged out of the place cursing and mumbling. Then my friend says, "Maybe you should've said yes to see what he would've done." |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:31 No.3050768>>3050701 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:31 No.3050775I had just finished watching Quantum of Solace at the theater, and was stepping outside when I saw this guy dressed like a priest get held up (the mugger had a switchblade). |
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The Lionhearted !HAGYQOveO. 11/23/08(Sun)19:33 No.3050791>>3050775 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:34 No.3050797>>3050791 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:35 No.3050802>>3050791 |
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The Lionhearted !HAGYQOveO. 11/23/08(Sun)19:35 No.3050809>>3050797 |
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The Lionhearted !HAGYQOveO. 11/23/08(Sun)19:38 No.3050833>>3050802 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:39 No.3050837/tg/ = /k/ |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:40 No.3050849>>3050833 |
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The Lionhearted !HAGYQOveO. 11/23/08(Sun)19:48 No.3050883>>3050849 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:52 No.3050915>>3050833 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:58 No.3050950>>3050809 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)19:58 No.3050952>>3050915 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)20:07 No.3050983>>3050946 |
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Lazyfag 11/23/08(Sun)20:11 No.3051002>>3050983 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)20:15 No.3051026>>3051002 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)22:18 No.3051755>>3050775 |
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Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)23:55 No.3052387I moved into an apartment building that was about 75% old people 25% young families. Fine, whatever. Rent was cheap, it was a quiet area and building so I just didn't care. A year or so later the really quiet elderly guy next door to me (been there since the early 1970s) gets booted out and his apartment sold as a condo for megabucks. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)00:12 No.3052477So I' walking around my hometown. This place isn't really well known at all, so I may as well not even mention it... But anyway, we have almsot no homeless folks around here. Now, you should understand that I'm a very charitable person. If I havchange, I usually igve them half my coins, because I get the feeling if I don't karma will fuck me so hard it'll need a smoke aftarwards. I ru across this old, I mean OLD, homeless dude. He's got a begging mug, a couple boards of cardboard for signs, stuff like that. He looks up at mefrom his place on the sidewalk and says, in southern talk so thick it sounds like he swallowed a guitar cause of the twang, "'Ey, son, can ye help me out wit' summin?" |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)00:16 No.3052495Some wiggers tried to rob an asian kid at a bus stop a few years back. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)00:21 No.3052516Man, I wish DnD random encounters were like this. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)00:22 No.3052526>>3052516 |
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That Damn Mouse 11/24/08(Mon)00:51 No.3052640I ended up following a guy all day today, just watching him sharpen a pencil as he walked through the city. He sharpened it to nothing, through away the unusable stub and then started on a new one. |
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Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 11/24/08(Mon)00:58 No.3052671>>3052526 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)01:01 No.3052682>>3052526 |
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Gary Reb !!yBSEiuYih/i 11/24/08(Mon)01:22 No.3052847I went to school at Albion College in Michigan for a time before switching to a much more affordable community college. While I was at Albion I was walking to the dorm very late at night from a session of D&D when I passed by the Kappa Delta Sorority, outside was a woman wearing clothes that seemed slightly out of date, but not by much. As I passed by, she waved to me. I waved back. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)03:04 No.3053509When I was in college, I'd drive home on the holidays. 12+ hour drives on 3 hours of sleep means you see some shit that you just don't want to remember. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)03:08 No.3053542>>3052847 |
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Elusive 11/24/08(Mon)03:12 No.3053587I try to keep life interesting sometimes just going out and driving untill I get lost some times its putting on odd costumes and walking around the college dorms. My list of costumes so far; Harlequin clown, mime, Leprechaun, Hawaiian tourist, Grim reaper, grim reaper mask with a tux top hat and pimp cane, Barney Rubble, Elmo puppet on one hand, redneck hick, secret service, huge mascot owl head, and Batman. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)03:13 No.3053589>>3050287 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)03:18 No.3053632>>3052847 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)04:05 No.3053888Being something of a precocious but ultimately cowardly bastard, I often pretend to be a mute when faced with uncomfortable situations regarding strangers. Mind you, this isn't all the difficult to pull off on my part since I actually happen to "speak" International Sign due to once being good friends with a deaf-mute girl in elementary school. Anyhow, one such situation came up a little while ago while I was at the mall with my wife. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)04:08 No.3053892>>3053632 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)04:19 No.3053943>>3053892 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)04:28 No.3053997>>3053892 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)04:31 No.3054025>>3053892 |
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Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 11/24/08(Mon)04:51 No.3054109My high school mathematics teacher listens to clasical music, and is partially deaf so has to have it very loud. Recently, he had bought a convertible with a colossal subwoofer in it. Needless to say, there was some considerable surprise when he showed up in a bright red convertible, top-down, with Rachmaninov blasting so loud the windscreen was shaking. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)05:00 No.3054154When I was a kid I was taking a shortcut somewhere when I interrupted a coyote drinking. I had never seen a real coyote before much less expected to see one in a city. I just stared at it while it stared at me for a minute. Then it just turned and went off. I've never seen another real coyote since then. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)05:22 No.30542042 storys. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)05:47 No.3054247great thread *bump* |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)08:32 No.3054503thread must not die |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)08:36 No.3054506For my birthday, a friend got me a pope hat. One day, I wore it to the mall. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)09:04 No.3054545I was at the bank waiting for a teller when this woman comes up to me, telling me I looked just like Joshua. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)10:12 No.3054707Once as I was leaving the subway station one evening, I was approached by a shady looking guy, twenty-something. My peripheral vision also spotted someone who seemed to be moving in behind me. The guy asked if I had any library books with me, to which I (truthfully) answered that I didn't. He replied "Ok", and walked away, in the direction of the trains. |
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Prophet of Killogram !!UN/8XlZaOkl 11/24/08(Mon)10:16 No.3054717>>3050413 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)10:27 No.3054742For some reason, I get this sort of shit every fucking time I leave the house. Strangers always want to involve me in their daily lives, for no apparent reason. First, some train stories. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)10:41 No.3054779>>3054742 Continued. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)10:48 No.3054792My friends and I were sitting around doing salvia. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)10:53 No.3054808>>3054779 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)10:57 No.3054814>>3050775 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)11:09 No.3054874>>3053892 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)11:13 No.3054906I wish I had a random encounter story to share, but I've led a boring life. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)11:15 No.3054920My grandma is one of the coolest people ever. We always pull crazy shenanigans when she's around. So, last year we were walking my dog (a 110lb Great Pyrenees) when my grandma decides that she wants lunch. We go to the nearest restaurant and pretend she is blind and that my dog is a seeing eye dog "in training." It was fucking epic. I love my grandma. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)11:17 No.3054928Well here is mine. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)11:38 No.3055033>>3054928 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)11:47 No.3055091>>3054920 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)11:47 No.3055094>>3050775 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)11:52 No.3055103I was walking the trail to the hot spring in Blue River (by Mt. Whistler in BC Canada) when suddenly I got Sneak Attacked by a large Black Bear (large for a black bear, I mean. Black bears aren't very large compared to other Canadian bears). |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)12:04 No.3055172one time i was walking home drunk in the middle of the night in the bad part of Oslo when i was suddenly surrended by nigerian whores who pushed me up against a wall and started screaming and clawing at my face. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)12:05 No.3055182My apartment building is next to a creek, in a fairly wild area. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)12:10 No.3055198>>3055172 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)12:40 No.3055316Me and a friend of mine were staying over at one of our other friend's house. We were talking about whatever |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)12:47 No.3055334>>3055316 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)12:48 No.3055343>>3055334 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)13:03 No.3055403So I met that deaf guy in the train. I'm hilariously unskilled in any kind of sign language, but my cellphone saved the day. Text function FTW. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)13:15 No.3055451Heres mine. I'm a bike enthusiast, and ride almost every night before bed. Once, while riding along the river that runs past the city I live in I came careening around a corner and hit a chain that was stretched across the path for some reason. I went over the handlebars and came down hard, blacking out for a few. |
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I've got some more
Papa Bear 11/24/08(Mon)13:20 No.3055476*This one takes a little bit of explanation. I was living in a small desert town. My druggy moron biological parents were making payments on a 35 acre piece of land. We lived in a trailer with no electricity or running water. I couldn't stand them, so at night I'd often chop wood for the fire that we'd cook shit on and then go for a walk or read a book b candlelight until they were done eating so that I could have dinner. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)13:26 No.3055499 File :1227551163.jpg-(49 KB, 960x720, 1226838634536.jpg) ![]() >>3055476 |
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Papa Bear 11/24/08(Mon)13:32 No.3055526*Some friends of mine and I were walking home from the arcade. Something hits me from behind and I stumble forward. Turning around, I see a fat black girl with a cell phone in her hand lying in the road, her bicycle beside her. Trying to make light of the situation, I say "You shouldn't talk on those things while you're driving; it's dangerous." |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)13:35 No.3055545>>3055526 |
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Papa Bear 11/24/08(Mon)13:35 No.3055552*Was in the Army at the time, and we had just been issued our gas masks. We took them to the barracks so that they would be cleaned. I hear someone knocking at my door. I answer it, and there's someone standing in a gas mask and wearing our thin black thermal underwear (basically Under Armor). He yells "NINJA ATTACK!" and punches me in the balls. I fell to my knees, and when I looked up he was already gone. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)13:43 No.3055600I live in a small town understand, so everyone is fairly normal here. Anyway, I was walking down the street one day and I saw a prostitute and a big beefy man wearing leather with a python around his neck. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)13:47 No.3055626>>3055600 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)13:52 No.3055661This thread is awesome. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)15:36 No.3056151Here's a couple. When I was a kid, I lived in the big city, and there was a massive fox infestation. I had a paper route, and in the winter it'd still be pitch black when I was finished. One day, on the route, I heard some padding feet behind me, and saw a fox about 30 feet away, looking at me. They're pretty timid creatures, so I just shrugged and kept delivering my papers, but the fox followed me, getting a little closer each time I stopped at a house. Eventually the fox was only about 5 feet away, walking just behind or in front of me. I'm sure he only wanted food, but for a while I felt I had an animal companion. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)16:57 No.3056566bump for the bump god! |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)17:46 No.3056843I was an exchange student in Kyoto for a year. During this time, I met this random encounter several times. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)18:14 No.3056983On my trip to NY in '06, this skinny teenage black kid walks up to me in an ally, pulls out a fucking 2" blade and proceeds to demand all the cash in my wallet. Now I'm not the fittest guy, but I'm army and 6'4". I take out my wallet, 'fumble' a twenty, and while the wind catches it (and he's distracted) I knee him, right in the chin. His jaw clenches on his tongue, and immediately he drops the flickblade as he covers his blood-filling mouth and staggers away as fast as his skinny legs can take him. I retrieved my 20$, gave it to a hobo in the same ally, and decided not to take shortcuts for the rest of the trip. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)18:20 No.3057016>>3055094 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)18:28 No.3057047>>3057016 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)18:33 No.3057081Didn't happen to me, but two of my friends got mugged walking along a fairly major street in our city. Both of them were carrying knives, neither of the people mugging them had knives. |
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Anonymoose !!J/4EyXrVAFw 11/24/08(Mon)18:57 No.3057200 File :1227571064.jpg-(33 KB, 280x532, Fire_Knives.jpg) ![]() I was walking into work today and just as I'm coming in someone is coming out. Great big huuuuuge bald guy. Then I notice the tattoo on his arm (attached pic). That's right. The Fire Knives symbol. And just above that a tattoo of a d20. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:13 No.3057248>>3045912 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:18 No.3057263>>3055094 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:28 No.3057308 File :1227572883.jpg-(6 KB, 200x154, Alexander-anderson-hellsing.jpg) ![]() >>3050775 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:30 No.3057326 File :1227573040.jpg-(196 KB, 763x1000, Priest_with_Shotgun.jpg) ![]() >>3057308 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:35 No.3057346ITT: Real life people with the Trouble/Weirndess Magnet Flaw. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:41 No.3057368A bunch of thugs ran right by me and beat up some guy walking down the street for about a minute before scattering. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:42 No.3057372 File :1227573720.jpg-(98 KB, 600x750, poverty.jpg) ![]() >>3057346 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:44 No.3057382>>3057372 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:45 No.3057384>>3057382 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:48 No.3057399 File :1227574127.jpg-(54 KB, 431x431, visibly_impaired_homeless.jpg) ![]() >>3057384 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:52 No.3057414Kharn-writer here. My favourite random encounter was at a restaurant with my family. The restaurant was out in an area full of different wineries and was a fairly popular place for people to go on tasting tours. As we were finishing up our meal, a bus pulls up and a bunch of people come out dressed up in costumes. |
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Kun-Kun !3GqYIJ3Obs 11/24/08(Mon)19:52 No.3057417 File :1227574340.jpg-(199 KB, 500x375, 115390817_ea8301a6aa.jpg) ![]() it was a fairly nice night so me and some friends were out walking to the store at maybe 2-3 in the morning. We walk under the overpass and just see this hunchbacked old woman wheeling a baby carriage around. We get that horrible "OH SHIT SOMETHING REALLY BAD IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN" vibe and quickly get the hell out of there. We notice that she's following us. We take random turns to try to evade her, getting all the more scared. We finally make it to the store and she's nowhere to be seen. We shop around, get our stuff, and leave. I remember this last part extremely vividly. It was really dark in the parking lot and under one of the few working lampposts is just that fucking baby carriage like it was purposely positioned there. Sounds like shitty /x/ creepypasta I know, but scared the fuck out of all of us and a friend still doesn't like to talk about it, even though it happened months ago. We were all at least fairly fit guys and should have easily been able to outrun an old woman but she never got too far away from us except for when we neared the store's entrance. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:53 No.3057421 File :1227574401.jpg-(29 KB, 420x281, office space.jpg) ![]() >>3052387 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:54 No.3057429>>3057399 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:56 No.3057435>>3057414 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:56 No.3057440"Excuse me, which of these tampons are the best?" (Asked by a male, to a male.) |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)20:03 No.3057476I went to the supermarket and saw a very randomly placed life-size scarecrow in the middle of an isle. Thinking it was a real person in a costume, I said "Hello" to it, and it's eyes turned to meet mine, but it didn't move an inch. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)20:05 No.3057498I used to have to look forward to a 3 hour walk home whenever my roomate forgot to pick me up from work. And there's this creepy stretch of lamplit road between two hills, in the middle of the woods, between my old job and my old appartment (the suburbs around Seattle have a lot of long stretches of forest randomly mixed in with their cities, with four-lane highways cutting through), that I would have to walk through, around 1.30 a.m. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)20:06 No.3057503>>3057414 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)20:15 No.3057551>>3057435 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)20:18 No.3057561>>3057551 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)20:38 No.3057676A few years back I was on the subway when these two highly attractive blondes get on at the stop (with a third brunette boarding at the other end of the car - this'll be important in a moment), and as soon as we got moving again the two blondes immediately moved over to near the door, about four feet away from me. And started making out. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)20:42 No.3057701>>3057676 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)20:47 No.3057732>>3057676 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)21:06 No.3057844Well one day I was working at the local supermarket, when some guy... short, very muscular, wearing a black tanktop and some black sweatpants asked me if he could borrow some change to make a phonecall. Said I didn't have any, but that I did have a cellphone he could use. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)21:10 No.3057859>>3057844 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)21:12 No.3057872>>3057701 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)21:19 No.3057918>>3057676 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)21:31 No.3057994 File :1227580265.jpg-(26 KB, 640x480, IMG000020.jpg) ![]() The one random encounter I've had involved some punk ass black football player from a local uni (i think, may have simply been wearing the jacket). Anyway, it's evening and I'm at a CD warehouse near my house checking out some metal and such when he comes in. I finish up sooner or later and go to the checkout and this fucker just sort of comes up and shoves me out of the way(weighed significantly more than me) and says something to the effect of "what are you going to do?". I hate being shoved, pushed, poked, or hit, or eve touched unless it's in an affectionate or friendly way, so I shoved back and told him to wait his fucking turn. He's not having any of that so he decides that now's a good time to threaten me. He does his spiel and keeps edging towards me the whole time, doing this ducking, bobbing, posturing-thing the whole time. He gets to about 6 inches from my face, spittle flying everywhere and moves to shove me again. I get shoved down, but come up with my knife out (see pic). It's a simple utility knife I use at work (a wholesail furniture store) in place of a box cutter, but it looks mean as fuck. The pussy backs of, goes around the counter and leaves the store. The clerk's laughing his ass off, and then checks my purchases out for me and I go home. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)21:54 No.3058145I've had a relatively normal life (Or at least I've gotten used to the odd things), so the extents of my random encounters are a continual stream of crazies that seem to single me out to talk to. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)21:57 No.3058164I was leaving a comedy club late one night when I was jumped by 3 wiggers. The first one has a knife and pushes me up against the brick wall and demands my wallet. Without saying anything, I hand it to him and he backs off. There's a short pause where he and his friends exchange these triumphant smiles like this was a brand new idea for them. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)21:57 No.3058166>>3058145 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)22:20 No.3058271 File :1227583226.jpg-(264 KB, 1920x1200, DEEP CROW and Carl.jpg) ![]() Once, on the bus home an old guy (sitting) grabbed me by the coat (I was standing, crowded bus, I couldn't move away) and started talking at me about crows and ravens. It was all weird, and most of it was nonsensical, but one thing he kept telling me was how he was walking up a street and saw 40 or 50 crows just all sitting in an empty lot. |
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Papa Bear 11/24/08(Mon)22:46 No.3058442OH! I have another one. I took a girl that I had a thing for and her friend to a comedy club. The comedian mentions that since most girls will spit out anything that doesn't taste good, if you find a girl who drinks beer you need to keep her. Audience laughs. The girl I brought, Liliana, mentions that she likes beer and wants me to explain the joke. People are starting to look at us so I tell her, "it's about fellatio." |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)22:48 No.3058452 File :1227584903.png-(65 KB, 711x585, croooow.png) ![]() >>3058271 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)22:48 No.3058456 File :1227584923.jpg-(570 KB, 1056x751, 1224233762286.jpg) ![]() >>3058145So either I'm going to be a PC in the years to come (isn't 2012 going to be the end of the Mayan world, or sommat?), or I exude crazy-pheromones. |
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Papa Bear 11/24/08(Mon)22:53 No.3058491>>3057346 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)22:55 No.3058507there I was on my way to viridian city to get Oak's package, when I enter this one patch of tall grass this Ratata jumps out of nowhere so I release my charmander and needless to say the rattata is owned. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)23:00 No.3058539 File :1227585604.jpg-(124 KB, 690x1100, 07.jpg) ![]() >>3058491Stand user? What's that? |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)23:01 No.3058545>>3055103 |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)23:04 No.3058560I was 16 and spending a summer at my grandmothers house by the beach. |
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Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)23:46 No.3058758bumpan |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)00:15 No.3058913>>3058545 |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)00:33 No.3059036This happened to a group of my friends. |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)00:38 No.3059073>>3059036 |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)00:50 No.3059182story one. |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)00:53 No.3059213>>3059182 |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)00:55 No.3059229story three |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)00:56 No.3059243story four (from a friend) |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)01:25 No.3059405My friends and I walk downtown here in Kingston, Ontario. Since we live so close we are there nearly every other week. Two of my friends are asian (me being white). TWICE now, we have been approached by a bewildered-looking brown woman (Indian perhaps?). Each time, she looks at one of the asian guys, and says "Go home." She then keeps walking. |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)02:16 No.3059662One summer night, must have been a good 10 years ago, me and my mother were driving back home on some minor highway. While a good driver, my mother can't exactly pick out wildlife nearly as well as my stepfather and where I lived at the time used to have lots of car/moose collisions. |
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Anonymoose !!J/4EyXrVAFw 11/25/08(Tue)02:30 No.3059727I shared an apartment with a roommate for over a year. My landlord's bank were a bunch of fuckwits so I always paid my rent in cash. Well it was rent day and I'd forgotten so I ran my ass over to the bank. It was early evening-ish. 8 pm or so. Just late enough to be dark. |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)02:59 No.3059820>>3059727 |
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Anonymoose !!J/4EyXrVAFw 11/25/08(Tue)03:31 No.3059903When I was about 12 my parents took me to the nearest big city (2 hour drive) to pick up some odds and ends. |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)03:35 No.3059917>>3059903 |
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Anonymoose !!J/4EyXrVAFw 11/25/08(Tue)03:41 No.3059935>>3059917 |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)03:44 No.3059949>>3059917 |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)05:02 No.3060118Oh shit! I can't believe I forgot this one (I posted 2 stories in the previous Random Encounters thread and thought my supply was exhausted). |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)05:27 No.3060165Me and my 2 friends from high school got part time jobs at the age of 16. After our first paycheck, the idea of buying paintball guns and equipment came into our minds, and so we bought guns/paintballs/helmets/camo clothing. Keep in mind here that we're barely athletic nerds. |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)05:54 No.3060215>>3060165 |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)06:30 No.3060339When I was a young fag I was in London attending a conferance and one day I was walking back to my hotel. I see that this old black guy ahead of my had been stoped by this girl, I'd say around 16-20 her cloths are real grimy and has somes scubs/spots round her lips, she looked a mess. |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)07:37 No.3060623>>3058456 |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)08:11 No.3060751>>3058166 |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)12:21 No.3061487Two thoughts about this thread. |
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That one bot programmer 11/25/08(Tue)16:05 No.3062472>>3061487 |
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Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)16:09 No.3062486>>3061487 |