what if we gave Cyclops' powers...
to a chameleon
>Not colour
>not caloor
I resquest a drawfag to draw this!!
/co/meleon is neat, but he needs a weakness. Maybe balance out the fact that he can see in every direction at once and fire in every direction at once, take away his regenerating tail so he can't just sacrifice it to get away from predators.
Can it fly?
/co/meleon's weakness is crippling self esteem issues. It just doesn't think that it could really beat a superhero and take over the world, so it convinces itself it's happy spending all of its time in trees, catching bugs with the other normal chameleons.
>Twelve bongs
Damn straight
>can it fly
With Cyclops' optic punches, that's a given.
But can it cook kosher hot-dogs?
Wouldn't the chameleon not be broken the same way Scott is and thus not need the glasses...
>dapper chameleon
Nevermind, I don't even care.
So does he have as much PUNCH POWER as Scott or would it be scaled down to chameleon size?
I'm hoping for the former. You know how Scott busts open walls with his? Imagine that force coming OUT of a chameleon towards the ground. Rocket Raccoon could finally have a sidekick
Well if the /co/meleon is getting the portal to the Punch Dimension in his eyes like Scott then I guess the power is only limited by how much Punch Dimension Energy he can get out of his eyes. So limited by size.
What about ruby goggles?
Or a ruby bra?
Pic related, it's the best Chameleon.
Chameleon camouflage wouldn't really work for /co/meleon. Just follow the Michael Jay Fox spastic atomic club searchlights back down to the little green laser landmine someone left on the floor, perhaps as a joke.
The mental image for this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever thought of.
A chameleon flying through the air propelled by a laser from an eye while another laser is slicing wildly emitted from the other eye, all the while it's body and tail are flopping flaccidly.
I disagree.
I'm not sure which I prefer between the mental image of /co/meleon as an incredibly inept creature with great villainous aspirations or an unstoppable rape machine that really only wants to eat some crickets.
Also, drawfags should have something by now.
The /co/melion is everything and nothing.
anon delivers!
that's so horrible
that's the worst thing anyone's ever even thought of
Agreed. You gotta have the snikt or it just wouldn't feel right.
Seriously. This is better than whoever the fuck Loeb they have writing for them now. I could see a solid 5 issue Wolverine & Cyclops miniseries coming out of this.
Hell, considering the recent Spiderman & Wolverine, this is just as awesomtarded as time traveling diamonds.
Don't you mean BeneVIOLENCE?
I think that something like this would be a biological weapon. The user would prime the /co/meleon, waking it up. The user would then throw the /co/meleon into the target area, as it opens its eyes and starts spinning wildly out of control as it lays waste to everyone and everything in a huge radius.
Now I know how the x-men will be together again, the phoenix force will bring back mutants but just only one mutant, /co/meleon, a chameleon with both wolverine and cyclops powers and it's up to wolverine and cyclops to stop his rampage.
did I do good /co ?
Your mother would be so proud.
>Cyclops running through the streets screaming bloody murder, bleeding profusely through a layer of bandages around his head
>Tripping over shit as a rash of explosions rogue eye-beams run amok in the distance
Plebians. The both of you.
I think ruby goggles are the way to go.
/co/meleon just uses his tongue to take them off or put them on.
>With a combination of punchlaser and twiptongue, /co/meleon hurtles himself into the lower atmosphere.
>Clouds of insects swarm there regularly, therefore /co/meleon's hunger is satiated in moments.
>/co/meleon then plunges from the sky to the sea, to slumber until the next moon rises.
>this summer
>has two eyes
>*scenes of a chopper hovering over a jungle*
>*STRONGGUY MCBUFFSTRONG and his group of cliched marines walking through the jungle, assault rifles aloft*
>*laser cuts a nearby tree down to size*
>New York City
>Morgan Freeman's voice dubbed over the cityscape montage
>"They said it was tiny... that it could be contained..."
>random blonde girls laughing and giggle until a laser takes one of their heads out out of nowhere, screaming ensues
>"Well it didn't take much to see through that lie."
>Smash cut to a firey wreckage in Times Square, panicking in the streets, lasers can be seen everywhere
>random shouts heard over the carnage
>"How many are there?"
>"Just the one!"
>"How come something so small be so powerful?"
>Silence, then
>"Two. Monocles."
>Smash cut /co/meleon in all its glory, swinging from building to building with its disproportionate tongue, lasers shooting in literally every direction
>random army radio chatter in the background giving conflicting orders on its take down, nothing that seems to work
>words superimposed over the screen
>shouting and screaming over random scenes of decapitation and laser evisceration
>more carnage, more flames, more lasers
>silence, heavy breathing
>Morgan Freeman standing in the foreground, full closeup
>over his shoulder, two lasers slowly approaching
>"That's cold-blooded."
>black screen WUBWUB
Rated R
I've never been so happy.
Also I'm going to sleep now. If this isn't archived by the time I wake up I'm going to actually create /co/meleon and set it loose. You have been warned.
If you trapped it in a box made of a reinforced super-material, would the opposing forces of its two eye-punchlasers press against the walls and crush its skull?
Its ability to see everywhere is a blessing and a curse
You forget it can adapt to its surroundings
Started thinking it'd be awesome to have the /co/meleon be on of those breeze in breeze out problem solvers as it hurtles around the world/universe.
Then I read this >>37535944
Good show.
That's the link to Asylum Films, the people who bring you such masterpieces of cinema as "NAZIS AT THE CENTER OF THE EARTH" and "SHARK WEEK." If anyone will make this happen they will.
he'd only need to look up with one eye and down with the other
then he'd just endlessly spin in midair
now say this reinforced material was instead used to make a tube...
and now you've got yourself a /co/meleon railgun
>captcha: another extreme
What if we gave a Seagull Angels powers?
Sounds like an awesome new x-men team
Those are geckos.
I thought Wolverine still got old though. Like, won't he live until he's like 300?
Plus octopuses die when they mate so I guess he'll be a virgin too. And come on, we can't have a Wolverine that's a virgin, there are too many underage cuttlefish out there.
Found it on Uncyclopedia years ago. Figured it would be relevant.
It can go any way.
I think we've found our archenemy, /co/
Someone makes a dramatic reading of this.
you get this
oh shit
>50 of these
>All Flash-level fast
That's freaking horrifying. Imagine if you stepped on their nest. You'd be stung from head to toe in milliseconds.
>Born with the odd ability to control his eyes separately, Randy Rabble was bitten by a radioactive chameleon and gained laser vision
>He became, the /Co/meleon
>Because he's a nerd like that
Totally meant to hit that car
You are a god.
>Helicopters hovering above a military base in South America.
>The President (Morgan Freeman) steps out of a helicopter and meets the NSA director (Harrison Ford) and a scientist (Sam Rockwell).
>"What happened?"
>Shots of scientists conducting experiments with beehives.
>"We commited a crime".
>A bee is injected with a serum. It develops a red coloring.
>"A crime against who?"
>The bee is put in a cell, where it begins to vibrate.
>Scientist breaks down in tears.
>"Against EVERYONE".
>The bee phases out of the cell and all Hell breaks loose, hundreds of scientists being stung multiple times in a matter of seconds. In a flash, the entire facility is thorn apart.
>White House, people looking busy, President announcement.
>"My fellow Americans, in the Cold War, we had a clock created to indicate how far from complete destruction our fragile species was".
>A buzzing sound is heard. A cloud forms in the sky above Spain.
>"The closest we've ever come was Five Minutes to Midnight. Five Minutes to doomsday".
>People look up.
>"Now... Let's just say we're past our bedtime".
>It's a huge swarm of Flash bees.
>Shots of a small town being completelly ravaged by the little monsters.
>The President meets with worried politicians.
>"How many are they?"
>"Fifty, Sir".
>"How many dead?"
>"Over 900, sir."
>Technician: "Oh, My God. They're not moving randomly. They're following a path... They have a destination".
>"Which is?"
>"... New York City, sir."
>Massive shot of the Statue of Liberty with a huge bee beard.
>President and NSA Director.
>"There's only one thing that can stop these bees."
>"Are you crazy, Mr. President? Now that we've finally locked it up?"
>"What other choices do we have?!"
>"If you set that thing free, you'll just be putting NY in the hands of another monster..."
>Shots of the President walking through a SuperMax filled with badass hardned criminals.
>He comes to a cell with all the locks in the world.
>Opens it.
>To unknown figure "We have a job for you."
>It's /co/meleon, handcuffed and blindfolded.
>Suddenly, a laser blows the head of one of the President's bodyguards. President sights.
>"I'll take that as a yes".
>Panicking crowd flees from bees, /co/meleon stands defiant, his pimpin' monocles at his eyes.
>President: "Sometimes, it takes a thief... to kill a lot of bees".
>/co/meleon removes his monocles, lasers the shit out of some bees.
>/CO/MELEON: "Buzz off."
>IN 3D.
This is the greatest thing in the world
The /co/meleon has been caught by Weapon X and is made somewhat humanoid, although it still has the thinking capabillity of a normal chameleon. He escapes, leaves the lab in ruins like his predecessor did decades ago.
His primal mutant instinct guides him to the would-be conclusion of the AvX event. His appearance shocks everyone. He blasts everyone into unconsiousness and flees the scene. After the X-Men and the Avengers get by, they end their differences. The Phoenix Force dissapeared.
At the end, we see the /co/meleon in a dark place, meditating.
When we see a shot from further away, we see him in deep meditation, hovering in space, engulfed in flames:
The Phoenix has found it's master.
I'm not sure is healthy that I laught this hard!
>"My fellow Americans, in the Cold War, we had a clock created to indicate how far from complete destruction our fragile species was".
>A buzzing sound is heard. A cloud forms in the sky above Spain.
>"The closest we've ever come was Five Minutes to Midnight. Five Minutes to doomsday".
>People look up.
>"Now... Let's just say we're past our bedtime".
>It's a huge swarm of Flash bees.
>Technician: "Oh, My God. They're not moving randomly. They're following a path... They have a destination".
>"Which is?"
>"... New York City, sir."
>Massive shot of the Statue of Liberty with a huge bee beard.
>Panicking crowd flees from bees, /co/meleon stands defiant, his pimpin' monocles at his eyes.
>President: "Sometimes, it takes a thief... to kill a lot of bees".
>/co/meleon removes his monocles, lasers the shit out of some bees.
>/CO/MELEON: "Buzz off."
Fuck this low rating. C'mon /co/ don't let this disappear. /co/meleon wouldn't stand for it? Assuming he has any sentience.
of course he is sentien but his only thoughts are " oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck what the fuck is going on, please someone makes it stop let the torture stop"*
*translated from chamaleonese
Also fuck those faggots who downvoted the thread
I love you anon
"Cave Johnson here. I've got good news and bad news.
The good news is, we've managed to give 50 sentient bees the powers and abilities of the Flash!
The bad news is, our "bee sentience" experiment is taking longer than expected to complete, and the boys at the lab tell me it would've been a good idea to make the bees sentient FIRST.
Live and learn.
Well, maybe not anymore."
>We crossed that road when we gave him eyes that swivel in any direction and shoot lasers. There's no going back now.
Well, to be fair, GOD was responsible for the swivelling eyes. We just put lasers on them since humanity thirsts for it's own destruction like a man in the desert thirsts for water.
>For some reason, due to this scene, I got the impression that Cyclops made the /co/meleon.
He didn't. Doom did, as a joke.
I'd like to remind this thread that we gave /co/meleon Wolverine's healing factor and adamantium skeleton and claws (aka horns) in case he looked at his hands or had his beams reflected back at himself. So you would also hear /co/meleon when he "snikts".
OP here. These are definitely the best in the thread.
I especially like the first panel where he doesn't have a care in the world. Clearly, /co/meleon has no natural predators.
He's a reptile. He didn't need Wolverine's healing factor or bones; all his shit grows back anyway when you cut him off. It's how lesser chameleons escape predators; they sacrifice a part of their body for it to snack on while they go elsewhere.
/co/meleon's natural regenerative powers are enhanced by his mutant DNA so he can regenerate from a single cell.
Really, there is only one way to defeat him. If you were to cut /co/meleon precisely down the center, one /co/meleon would regenerate into two.
You've heard of fighting fire with fire? Well, it takes a /co/meleon to destroy a /co/meleon.
Author of >>37535944 here
I fucking love you right now.
mother of god, what have we done?
The /co/meleon needs an enemy.
What if we got the most dangerous animal ever to fight it?
The Mantis Shrimp.
THE MAN-tis Shrimp.
He may not have laser vision, but he can see all the colors in the wind. And his has a falcon punch to back him up.
Thanks guys! I got home from work and this thread was still up and I was like ho shit, I gots an idea.
Well I dont know, maybe its like when Hulk sucker punched Thor after this pic... :I
The mantis shrimp can do it too.
But it can perceive both polarized light and hyperspectral colour vision. What that means, I have no idea.
So while the pistol shrimp can blow you away, the mantis shrimp can blow you away and look at all your gooey-bits in different ways.
Greatest post in the history of /co/.
I love you guys.
best post on 4chan ever
apart from weegee
That is the best thing I ever saw.
Is this the greatest thing I've ever seen? Yes.
Fuckin saved.
You still have it /co/, you still have it...
Today is going to be a great day!
I fucking come onto /co/ after I visit /v/ to talk about Nintendo, and try to find a Korra thread...What I find is a spinning, airborne /co/meleon, lasers fireing in every direction, limbs and tail flapping uselessly in the wind, and all I can do is laugh...
You're awesome /co/.
holy shit this thread still delives
I don't get to use this shitty reaction image enough.
That adequately sums up my opinion on this image.
Well, Oh Shit to GLORIOUS.
So wait, is the /co/meleon a superintelligent talking chameleon with laser vision and a stretching tongue? Holy shit.
Is it a regular chameleon or does he have a little suit or something outside the red goggles?
And with goggles
>Not fágetung
These are great.
You're great.
thats pretty cool.
I love this thread and you guys, have we decided on the villain? >>37566234 looks neat
lets do Ressurection, where after many failed creatures they finally have perfected their newest project: /Co₂/meleon.
We can either have a cool as teamup of Flashmob and the original /co/meleon or some hybrid = Flameleon.
I went to their website, and went to the Pitch Submissions section. They are only accepting pitches for a few categories, one of which is "African American Action"
Chameleons originate in Madagascar
Thanks bro.
Well I'm off. Gentlemen, it's been an honor partaking in this legendary event.
I want a team up.
If it were an episode, it could have Flashmob being hunted down by /Co₂/meleon. /Co₂/meleon's lasers slow down the Flashmob so they start dropping like flies /co/meleon is the good guy(?) so he helps.
super laser show down!!
I'm not really artistically talented, but I don't even care. I have to at least TRY to make this into a comic. If I were suicidal, this thread would have been my inspiration to keep on living. All of my faith in humanity has been restored. All of it.