And yet people will STILL buy it. When I worked at Ass I mean Game Stop... I was always amazed at the fact that no matter HOW much I told people something was a piece of crap, and not worth getting (PSP....N-Gage.... 360) There were ALWAYS people who wouldn't listen and spent money on the friggin things. Then they did one of two things... 1) Traded it in bitching how much it sucked and that they were getting only half of what they paid back in store credit. 2) And this was my favorite, the people who KEPT the crappy new stuff they got and pretended to like it cause it's the "cool new thing". These poor bastards were easy to spot as they NEVER got anything else for the system again, or never spoke of the game again. If asked about it, they would typically respond "PSP? My... Oh yeah... uh... it's cool and all... what games? um... I'm still playing the ones I bought at release.... uh... yeah they're um....alright I guess.... Hey what's that? the new GBA game? have... you heard anything about it?"
I mean they wanted the Newest and best hardware and games, but then would bitch that Except for the graphics it sucked..... dumbasses... all of them.