Find evidence, gather information and then present your case in court! The catch...? I'll present the evidence and information and testimonies here, you are to spot any irregularities and point them out only by using website to Object! Find them and you gain points, point out wrong ones and you lose points, the points will represent how much the Jury is for or against you and at the start of each case it may start swayed more to the other side so you need to make less mistakes to win. for each character, parentheses including and then type out the message.
Phoenix Wright has no code, just type
Miles Edgeworth - (edgey)
Manfred von Karma - (karma)
Mia Fey - (chief-12) because this voice doesn't suck as much as the rest :p
Winston Payne - (winston)
First case:

Vs Miles Edgeworth(Gospel)
are we ready then?
OBJECTION!Oh that's right! Signups begin, theres only room for 4 people since I've taken Edgeworth as the Prosecutor. Call what character you want and we can get started!