Also, it looks like I have a lot to talk about now...!
First off, yes, Hillary is a very bad choice. But the fact that she couldn't tell that Bill was sexing another woman under the desk isn't an indication she'd be a bad president. She's not the fucking CIA! Also, as for the Family Entertainment Protection Act, which I can only assume is the thing you're talking about by pronouncing her an "enemy to us video gamers", that's probably a good idea. But you're over 18, why should you care anyways? Also, oratory is certainly not a requirement for presidency. She's intimidating enough as it is. And sure, she is arrogant. It's called ambition, and it's pretty much the only reason she's in the position she's in.
Second, whoa, whoa, Hitomic-boy, slow down. Let's work through this. Faltering in Iraq, floodgates open, etc. This is all shit. Sure, they hate us, but they're not about to fucking take us over. They make bombs out of styrofoam, and we spend more than 400 billion dollars every year on defense. Also, the reason that there's so much sectarian violence over there now is because we took out Saddam. It's true he was responsible for thousands of deaths, but since he's not there iron-fisting everyone into line anymore and we've floundered for three years since taking him out, civil war has started and has killed 600,000 people already, which is a disgrace. A fucking disgrace. Also, about Hillary pulling us out, all i can give you is a harsh laugh. Now I know you fucks never believe me when I try to make a point, so I'm going to quote a letter she wrote to her constituents. "...I do not believe that we should allow [the war] to be an open-ended commitment without limits or end. Nor do I believe that we can or should pull out of Iraq immediately." Chew on that for a while.
Okay, high taxes. How can you complain about something like that? The United States has a 12-figure trade deficit and national debt that reaches into the trillions. We sit here in our seven-room houses with our 36-inch TVs and our iPods, and we gripe about taxes. Well fuck that. If it means helping get the country I've lived in my entire life into a state of fiscal responsibility, I'd be willing to live on minimum wage in a van down by the river with 50% taxes.
Also, it almost makes me cry to hear you talk about women that way. Those generalizations you're making are utterly fallacious, and yes, sexist. I'm pretty sure you don't know more than 50 women, who are surely not all the women in the world, correct? So you don't know whether or not that's true. What's more you don't know Hillary Clinton. You don't know what she's like, nor do you know if she fits your ugly stereotype. So fuck off.
In addition, testosterone does nothing for politicians. If you took biology in 9th grade like I did, you should know like I know that increases in testosterone create increases in irrationality, rage, and blind confidence, which are exactly the antonyms of the qualities needed by good politicans. Politicians need to be calm and they need to think things through and weigh all odds. Politicians are only failures if they don't think correctly.
As for abortion, can you imagine trying to get a high school diploma, do all the homework, while having to wait on a baby hand and foot? Can you imagine what it would be like to try to support your baby with a minimum wage job? Can you imagine passing the baby off heartlessly to your parents so you can do well in school? Can you imagine having to make the choice to erase a life which was created within your very own body? Or alternatively, can you imagine having to spend your entire life taking care of a baby who is the product of rape? Can you imagine that? I don't think so. Abortion isn't just a safeguard for total sluts. The only time a woman would want to abort a baby is if she knew it would ruin her life, like if she was a high school student or a rape victim. And if it ruins the woman's life, you can bet your own life it would ruin the kid as well. You almost act as if the woman doesn't care at all about that life inside her. She just doesn't want to have the kid live in a situation where its life would be a total waste. If you can't empathize with these people, you literally don't even deserve to be alive yourself.
So, global warming, now, is it? Sigh. I really can't argue this very well. There's all the data, sitting there, showing how we've ruined the cycle, how the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is going up when it's supposed to be going down. It's true. We're supposed to be on the downhill slope. And also, how can you think it's just part of a natural cycle when hundreds of thousands of gallons of gasoline are burned every day, releasing several hundred tons of carbon dioxide gas? Gasoline hasn't been being burnt at this rate since the beginning of the Earth, I'm sure you know. I... I just can't see how you can deny what almost every single environmentalist alive has proven, over and over again.
Also, the right to bear arms. Yes, we do have the right to bear arms. It's in the Bill of Rights as I am well aware. However, as Hillary has stated plenty of times, we can't just trust everybody to be responsible with submachine guns and assault rifles, weapons which should only be used by the military. Sidearms are plenty enough to protect yourself and others, and just to make sure no crazies get at them, we should make mandatory licenses and psychiatric tests every year. People may want to have their big guns, but they're really just too dangerous to have legal. I just don't see how people could disagree with that.
Okay, here's the only important part of this whole thing. The reason Hillary wouldn't be a good president. Most people, yourselves included, would just say the easiest answer, which would invariably be, her political opinions. Well, that's not the real issue here. The real reason she'd be a bad president is, like I've said before, she's too polarizing. You either love her or hate her. She's been an issue for years, and because of this, now she's like a magnet, splitting people up into two big, undivided groups. There's really no middle ground with her, and there always needs to be middle ground so that the people of this country can express their views and have the president be aware of them. Because in all honesty, Hillary's a populist. She really does care about people, but people don't care enough about her to compromise with each other.
Also, about the Obama thing, I hate FOX news. They make it seem like all Muslims are gun-toting war hawks. I die a little every time I hear someone on there shouting about stuff like that.
As a closing note, Hitomi, even though you'll probably just give a big ol' TL;DR to all this, heck, you got me angry, and I needed to vent it, so there.