Fyber, that link leads to the article about the police chief giving himself a ticket.
But yeah, i heard about that. Cervical cancer isn't really that big of a threat, but i hear it does cause the deaths of about 4000 women per year. The doubt I have about the necessity of the vaccination is that most of the girls, who will have to take the shot in the sixth grade, probably won't have sex for at least six or seven years, presenting the chance that the virus will have mutated by then, requiring them to get another shot to remain protected. But oh well, who knows what'll happen.
In other news, I'm sure a lot of you have heard that there's a group of half-brained nitwits from different countries who got together and determined that there's a 90% chance that climate change has been augmented by fossil fuel burning. Now, opinions aside, let's just look at the facts. Human fossil fuel burning isn't a natural process. The earth has a system of maintaining a balance between carbon levels in the ground and air, but now that humans are burning all this fossil fuel (somewhere around 48.5 quadrillion tons per year), it's got to be causing at least a little bit of change. And the earth's chemical balances are so delicate that even a little bit of change can cause a much larger bit of change somewhere else.