Ok so. The story of this characters life:
Sinshava is a troll hunter female. She is the only character of mine on a PVP server, wherein other characters can hillariously sneak up kill me once I'm in a non-newbie zone. I'll take some fun screencaps when I get to that point. For now I only have a few interesting ones.
Here I am starting life. I am killing small animals like you start most MMoRPG's. Notice I start with a bow. Horde gets bows intially because they are supposed to be the less technilogical side. I made a note to fix this asap.
Here I am next to a dude who drank something wierd and grew like 20 feet. I need a shot of that stuff because....
The whole canyon worth of harpies is coming after me.
Here I have finally replaced my bow with a gun. (They do the same damage, but I am technological and cool.) The gun is good enough that I can finally kill those stupid harpies, but I have to get better at aiming it by practiceing for this moment.
My smoking gun and I are triumphant!
Our final life lesson for the day is that all the good guild names have been taken. I didn't check Fybertech though...