Well, I can say without a doubt that it was pretty awesome. I think I'll go Vito's route and sum it up in + and -'s
The Seprent's Pass:
+ Returning characters. Suki is a welcome face, Jet & Co. are still shifty and untrustworthy as ever, but damn are they experts. Stealthy Action with Jet and Zuko swordplay was fun.
+ Some real work on the characters of Aang and Sokka, which has been missing for a while. Aang was sitll taking things badly, and this was a good show of reactions. Sokka's past is still effecting him a little, and they did a good job showing it.
+ Holy hell at the uses of bending and action here. Parting the Red Sea, Ice block surfing to beat the snake, etc.
+ Good funny stuff. Toph's "You can just let me drown now." Line pretty well takes the cake.
- Hokey episode is hokeeeeeeyyyyyyy. I can buy everything that was done, so it didn't step outside of reality, but damn there was a lot of 'camp' toward the end, Aang's reaction, naming the kid, Sokka kissing.
- Sokka being overprotective just struck me as a little beyond his character and 'slap you in the face' writing to make sure we got it.
The Drill:
+ Best steampunk device ever
+ Action enough for any action fan ever. Ty Lee kicking ass, Drill beatery, the final fight between Aang and Azula (THING HANDS~~~) culminating in EPIC SPIKE POUNDING.
+ Ty Lee paying way too much attention to Sokka. Sokka noticeing. The man is a pimp
+ The classic sharp and funny moments. Almost a +/- due to yet another bloody blind joke. (after a while it gets old.) but the deapan delivery saves this one. Toph has the best line again with "oh, what a nightmare." In response to Sokka not being able to see.
+/- Sokka having a eureka moment. Could have been more on topic, and Aang really had to suppliment it later.
- Sokka being incapable of doing anything afterward. The cheerleading was annoying as heck, and not funny, though vito argues.
- Incompetent Earth Kingdom leadership again. How the hell did these people survive this long. Probably due to:
- Incompetent Fire Nation leadership again. Good thing we have a 15 year old psychopath along because the adults sure arn't very foreward thinking.
I See a really awesome Jet twin hookblades and Zuko twin broadswords fight coming up in a few episodes. Other than that, I'm a bit mystified as to where they're going to go with this. the gAang is looking to tell the leadership about what they learned back in 'The Library,' not to mention looking for Appa. So they have some direction, but really, where they're going spescificall is baffeling.