Author Topic: Well... since there's no topics... let's make one... about QBASIC!  (Read 51903 times)


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Well whaddya know... there's a forum here for programming.

Which appears to be empty.

Let's make it not that.  Hence, for something people probably didn't see coming, time to make a topic for QBasic.  Anyone here know how to program in it?  Or any of the Basics (visual Basic, GWbasic, etc)?

I toy around with it every so often.  It's fun, and easy, and I can make really crappy text-based RPG's for no reason (like online MUDs).

But yeah... anyone else knowledged in QBasic?
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Re: Well... since there's no topics... let's make one... about QBASIC!
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2005, 08:25:15 pm »
One of the first real "games" I made was in QBasic.  I did it in text mode since I couldn't do graphics well on my old computer, but it was basically a command center thing along the bottom, and you shot up at ascii baddies that came from above.  I remember taking it to school for buddies to see once.  Perhaps I still have it on a disk somewheres.

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Re: Well... since there's no topics... let's make one... about QBASIC!
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2005, 07:51:23 am »
The only games i can make are the ones on my TI-83 plus :P

Some guy actually requested a dirty version of the oregon trail so I made the playa trail
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Re: Well... since there's no topics... let's make one... about QBASIC!
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2005, 11:36:21 pm »
haw, I wanna play that
<Armature> i just really want centaur Azula


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Re: Well... since there's no topics... let's make one... about QBASIC!
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2005, 03:10:35 pm »
I made a RPG on my TI-83 Calculator...
I also made a snake game with Q-Basic

00 PRINT "Go QBasic!"
20 Goto 10


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Re: Well... since there's no topics... let's make one... about QBASIC!
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2005, 09:26:12 am »

I just a few days ago got me a palm pilot to take notes just here and there (and since it's 95% for that, I got the next-to-bottom-of-the-line one... oh yeah... go Zire 31).

And... I have come across the most awesome of programs for it.


I can make essentially Qbasic programs (well, not quite qbasic.  It's more like basic, but doesn't require numbers at the start of each line).  HOORAY!  Now when I'm at work, I can kill time making crappy little programs.  One time or another I'll end up remaking that old RPG I made long ago.

So far, just playing around with it for about a half-hour, I've made the typical "Metroid is awesome" repeated 10 times type program, and my other 'easy to make program' of you typing in your name, then picking a number between 1 and 10.  If it's not what the random number generator picked, you have to play again until you're right :P

But yeah, horribly shitty programs aside.... HOORAY!  I CAN PROGRAM AGAIN (since I didn't wanna go hunting for a qbasic emulator for Linux).
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Re: Well... since there's no topics... let's make one... about QBASIC!
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2005, 01:04:15 pm »
Hooray for handhelds! I myself have an IPaq; they're great for doing your internet stuff when your friends are on your computer. But, other than that, i don't use it for anything other than using the transcriber function for fun. I can try to write "I like eggs" and end up with -^== ??? +!>/ ???... I still haven't figured out what it is supposed to do, other than code your messages so well you can't decode them.
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Re: Well... since there's no topics... let's make one... about QBASIC!
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2005, 04:21:28 pm »
WOOH!  Go palm squiggle generator!

EDIT: Now made so that if it hits the edge of the screen (screen is 160 pixels horozontal and vertical, or from 0 to 159)


if (x1+xd)>159 then x2=0
if (y1+yd)>159 then y2=0
if (x1+xd)<0 then x2=159
if (y1+yd)<0 then y2=159

if (x1+xd)>159 then x1=x1-160+xd
if (y1+yd)>159 then y1=y1-160+xd
if (x1+xd)<0 then x1=x1+160+xd
if (y1+yd)<0 then y1=y1+160+xd

if (x1+xd)>-1 and (x1+xd)<160 then x1=x1+xd
if (y1+yd)>-1 and (y1+yd)<160 then y1=y1+yd

drawline x1,y1,x2,y2
loop until keydown(5)

note: keydown(5) = address book key :P

However, when it goes across one side back to the other, it may skip up to 9 pixels on the previous side.  I'm going to fanangle it a bit to get another drawline into there to draw the line to the end of the screen before going across.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2005, 05:53:48 pm by Kabutroid »
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Re: Well... since there's no topics... let's make one... about QBASIC!
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2005, 12:41:33 pm »
I've been wanting a pocket pc for a while, but preferably one with wifi built in, so I can still use the slots for other things.  This would of course cost lots of monies, so I have yet to consider it!


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Re: Well... since there's no topics... let's make one... about QBASIC!
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2005, 08:51:38 pm »
I already learned Basic with both "Basic for Dummies" and "Learn to Program Basic", although I couldn't get a compiler that worked and I could figure out. I seem to have a lot of trouble compiling, although I might be able to get QBasic to work for me. I also know C, because I took a class in it, and did pretty well, but I can't even get the program that I worked with in school (Borland turbo C/C++) to run. BUT THAT'S FOR ANOTHER TOPIC. I'll try to use QBasic to make some cool programs.


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Re: Well... since there's no topics... let's make one... about QBASIC!
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2005, 09:38:15 pm »
Standard Basic doesn't really compile, it's what you call an interpreted language, meaning it requires its interpreter to run.  Same is true of QBasic (the one that came with DOS).  Though there's an actual full-fledges QuickBasic which allowed one to compile, I believe.  I never had that though, which is why I eventually learned Pascal, just so I could compile the stuff I wrote.


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Re: Well... since there's no topics... let's make one... about QBASIC!
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2005, 06:08:04 am »
Yeah. What I ment was I had problems getting it to run, or in the case of Learn to Program Basic, getting it out of Learn to Program Basic. Liberty Basic can't even use arrays, and XBasic has some weird interface, although my confusion with it might be because I've never had to use those "00, 10, 20" markers before.


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Re: Well... since there's no topics... let's make one... about QBASIC!
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2005, 12:40:19 pm »
Ah okay, sounds like you've messed with several different ones.

A while back I heard of a version which lets you make games fairly easily, since it has access to DirectX functions and all, but later I found out you have to PAY FOR IT, so I said fux that.  There's too many free languages out there.

Also I totally said " full-fledges" instead of " full-fledged" up there.  Better typer is me.