Since it was kind of dumb to have in the first place, I finally got around to ripping out the main website login and tied that into the forum, so now whoever you are on the forum is who you are on the rest of the site. No more signing up in both places. Clicking login, logout, or signup from the front page will take you to the forum now instead of the old method.
As a result of this change, I had to wipe all the data that keeps track of which comments you've seen in the comics area, so everything will show up as new to you. No biggie, though.
There is one known problem however, with the whole way the forum software keeps track of sessions, and how the code I wrote to interface with all that isn't doing everything the forum handles. It seems that sometimes when you come to the main part of the site, the session may have expired, and you'll appeared to be logged out, though if you go to the forum, you're still logged in there just fine. And as such, returning to the main part of the site after going to the forum suddenly makes you show as logged in again (since the session got re-created). There's two ways for me to fix it, one being simple and making the logout button on the front page not work anymore (LONG STORY), and the other involves me digging through all the forum code to figure out how they do everything and rewriting it in my own code. Hopefully the latter is do-able easily enough.
By the way, for anyone wondering why I can't just copy the code to make that work, it's because the forum is written in PHP, where as everything I wrote for the site itself is in Perl. No comprende.
But yeah, if you notice anything broken, let me know, and in the meantime I'll try to hammer out these other issues.
P.S. Oh yeah, and the Users Online at the top left there is inactive for the time being too.