I've never played any FE games. I've had for the longest time an aversion to any RPG's, but as i grow older I find other games don't hold my interest as much, and I'm craving story and substance over blowing shit up. The Jak and Daxter games are great as there's a continuously evolving story, same with LoZ, but otherwise I can't sit there and play the same mind numbing drivel I used to. So I need help. I hate turn based combat, because once a character gets in danger of dieing I get caught in a loop; heal them single attack to the enemy get hurt, heal attack, get hurt... I preferred combat like in Tales of Symphonia, but never finished the game. Can anyone suggest a few good games for me to try for GC, PS2, X-Box, GBA, or DS. I gots them all so it's not so bad finding a game to play... just bad finding a GOOD game to play.
Thanks for the help.