Author Topic: Code Lyoko  (Read 132936 times)


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Code Lyoko
« on: November 16, 2005, 11:25:20 pm »
It's a popular cartoon with large headed French children.

It's also my guilty pleasure, and thanks to a ton of questions getting asked, I have a whole infodump worth of material for you guys. As well as a ton of sarcrastic comments.

[20:56] <Bluejay> 00,02Anyone here seen the first episode of Code Lyoko? If so... how exactly do they begin... I mean how do they first get to Lyoko?
[20:56] <Buzzard> I missed it
[20:56] <Buzzard> googled it?
[20:56] <FyberOptic> 09,01boris will tell you everything
[20:56] <Joefus> 02,15sorry never seen Code Lyoko
[20:56] <Prox> 14,01Never watch telebrision ;.;
[20:57] <Boris> 10,01Boris knows many things
[20:57] <Bluejay> 00,02plx tell Borz
[20:57] <Boris> 10,01Oh, you've discovered the joy all of us know as 'what the fuck is going on exactly?'
[20:57] <Bluejay> 00,02*sits on the rug for story time
[20:57] <Boris> 10,01The show began in the middle of things, no explaination of why that shit is there
[20:57] <Boris> 10,01or how the kids found it
[20:57] <Bluejay> 00,02DAMN!!
[20:57] <Boris> 10,01they'ed already been fighting XANA's attacks for a while apperently
[20:57] <Boris> 10,01now there is hope on the horizon
[20:57] <Bluejay> 00,02I want exprenation
[20:58] <Boris> 10,01season three is supposed to come with a 50 minutes feature
[20:58] <Boris> 10,01on the origin of how the gang found this stuff
[20:58] <Bluejay> 00,02yay
[20:58] <Boris> 10,01and season 2-4, the origin of the equiptment and Aelita is becoming a big plot point
[20:59] <Bluejay> 00,02it just troubles me that they know exactly what to do
[20:59] <Bluejay> 00,02and how come Jeremy doesn't H4X some cheat codes?
[21:00] <Boris> 10,01apperently he already wrote a lot of new shit himself
[21:00] <Boris> 10,01b/c genius
[21:00] <Bluejay> 00,02lik Fyber?
[21:00] <Boris> 10,01lol ya
[21:01] <Bluejay> 00,02okay... but how come Aelita has no weapons by now... you'd think they'd give her something
[21:01] <Boris> 10,01another thing that bothers people on the forum to no end
[21:01] <Buzzard> because chete
[21:01] <Boris> 10,01although she's gettin better in season 2
[21:01] <Boris> 10,01borrowed Yumi's weapon once, killed about 9-10 hornets with the skateboard + mad skills
[21:02] <Boris> 10,01actually dropped one of those huge monsters through the floor in one episode
[21:02] <Buzzard> colll
[21:02] <Boris> 10,01mostly she just plays the roll of letting the other fight though, I dunno
[21:02] <Bluejay> 00,02he can make then vehicles, and they obviously have unlocked the "big heads" cheat... but why no all weapons, invincible, or just plain ol God Mode
[21:03] <Boris> 10,01lol @ big heads cheat
[21:03] <Buzzard> mor liek DK mode
[21:03] <Buzzard> from Goldeneye
[21:03] <Bluejay> 00,02ya rele
[21:03] <Boris> 10,01I think so far the best guess was he actually stacked the life points thing in himself
[21:03] <Boris> 10,01rather than letting them take real abuse
[21:04] * Joefus hunches over and inflates head
[21:04] <Boris> 10,01XANA has turned it off a couple of times, somehow or another and they're usually shown as taking real pain instead of point abuse when it's off
[21:04] <Bluejay> 00,02also... why does Yumi always seem so drained after devirtualisation... but the others don't
[21:05] <Boris> 10,01they're all in pretty bad shape, but it seems to mess her up especially, you're right
[21:05] <Buzzard> yeah
[21:05] <Buzzard> she's always in the fetal position
[21:05] <Boris> 10,01actually, a few times in season 2 here, Odd has come out totally unconscious
[21:06] <Boris> 10,01after being whomped by a pillar
[21:06] <Buzzard> oshi
[21:06] <Bluejay> 00,02yeah.. about odd... why cat-boy
[21:06] <Boris> 10,01they like to crush him for some reason
[21:06] <Boris> 10,01I dunno
[21:06] * Bluejay has list of questions a mile long
[21:06] <Boris> 10,01you might as well ask why he has a picture of his ugly ass dog on his shirt
[21:06] <Buzzard> that too
[21:06] <Boris> 10,01he's just bizzare
[21:07] <Boris> 10,01I'm good at answer all this crap btw, I always have the latest theories b/c board mod
[21:07] <Bluejay> 00,02he is obviously comic relief... but still
[21:07] <Boris> 10,01he's also the only one who doesn't take it too seriously though, which is somewhat nice
[21:07] <Bluejay> 00,02Orick and Yumi.... lovers?
[21:08] <Boris> 10,01Ulrich is typically the given spelling
[21:08] <Boris> 10,01its almost obvious they are
[21:08] <Buzzard> ya
[21:08] <Boris> 10,01I could site a number of points but probably the episode "Routine" from season one proves it best
[21:08] <Boris> 10,01of course, they'll be the last ones to admit it to eachother
[21:09] <Boris> 10,01but thats just cliche tv for you
[21:09] <Bluejay> 00,02I see, as Aelita and Jeremy are also lovers
[21:09] <Sino> its technicly cyber then
[21:09] <Bluejay> 00,02though Jeremy has constant head cold (see voice)
[21:09] <Boris> 10,01lol @ cyber
[21:09] <Buzzard> ya rly
[21:09] <Boris> 10,01she's basically living in the real world in season 2
[21:09] <Boris> 10,01thanks to the super-scan program
[21:10] <Buzzard> I think they got it right once, didn't they?
[21:10] <Buzzard> but Xana went crazy witht the ting
[21:10] <Buzzard> thing
[21:10] <Boris> 10,01you're thinking of Materialization
[21:10] <Boris> 10,01in Code: Earth
[21:10] <Buzzard> ya
[21:10] <Buzzard> that
[21:10] <Boris> 10,01yeah, they get it right all the time now
[21:10] <Boris> 10,01but she's still virused, so they can't cut the machien off or she'll bite it
[21:10] <Bluejay> 00,02yeah, what happened there, I missed something, cause I see an ep and she's all in Lyoko... then she's suddenly real
[21:11] <Boris> 10,01Jeremie finally got the materialization right in Code: Earth and brought her here
[21:11] <Bluejay> 00,02ah
[21:11] <Boris> 10,01unfortunately, the next (and last ep in the season) False Start, shows that XANA had a backup plan
[21:11] <Bluejay> 00,02and why no more "return to past"
[21:11] <Buzzard> yeah
[21:11] <Buzzard> I missed that
[21:11] <Buzzard> it was coll
[21:11] <Boris> 10,01he infected her with some kind of nanovirus
[21:12] <Boris> 10,01so that if they cut off the big quantum computer, she dies too
[21:12] <Boris> 10,01hence the cold war goes on
[21:12] <Buzzard> oh yeah
[21:12] <Boris> 10,01about 1/4 of the way into season two Jeremie put 2+2 together and figured out that the RTTP jumps were adding power to the supercomputer
[21:12] <Bluejay> 00,02okay
[21:12] <Boris> 10,01so every time they jumped, XANA's attacks could get a little stronger
[21:12] <Bluejay> 00,02I see
[21:12] <Boris> 10,01hence they try to avoid it now
[21:13] <Boris> 10,01but still do it if somebody got the shit beat out of them or something big and public happened
[21:13] <Bluejay> 00,02like streaking?
[21:13] <Boris> 10,01like the one with the materialized Crabs
[21:13] <Boris> 10,01that was freaking cool
[21:13] <Boris> 10,01better french, Krabbe
[21:14] <Bluejay> 00,02the french have krabbes
[21:14] <Boris> 10,01well in season two, they went back to a lot of the French names
[21:14] <Boris> 10,01that they changed for who knows what reason in season one
[21:14] <Boris> 10,01The nurse was the most confusing example
[21:14] <Boris> 10,01her name according to french version and season two is Yolonda
[21:15] <Boris> 10,01season one english figured we coudln't cope with that and renamed her Dorothy
[21:15] <Boris> 10,01WHJY
[21:15] <Boris> 10,01the monsters got a lot of name abbuse too
[21:15] <Buzzard> ya
[21:15] <Boris> 10,01particularly the Frelions/Hornets and the Kankrelats/Roachsters
[21:15] <Bluejay> 00,02Why does Xana need to tenticle rape Aelita's mind?
[21:15] <Boris> 10,01god
[21:15] <Boris> 10,01I know you were going to put it that way
[21:16] <Boris> 10,01we don't know to be honest,
[21:16] <Boris> 10,01we can only assume he had to create the squid monster because he isn't as omnipresent on Lyoko as previously thought
[21:16] <Boris> 10,01there is no good way to spell it, although I personally type Scipizoa when people ask
[21:16] <FyberOptic> 09,01kids need to be introduced to tentacle rape early on
[21:17] <Joefus> 02,15the japanese understand the importance of that stuff
[21:17] * Bluejay tentacle rapes Fyber
[21:17] <Boris> 10,01we also don't know why he only started the mind-stealing in season two
[21:17] <Boris> 10,01before we mostly just assumed he'd kill aelita without thinking twice
[21:18] <Bluejay> 00,02okay... now do the kids level up or anything? or are the same monsters always just as hard?
[21:18] <Boris> 10,01I'd call it more of an action game, just from the nature of it
[21:19] <Boris> 10,01same thing is always as hard to kill
[21:19] <Bluejay> 00,02okay... do we ever see Jeremy on Lyoko?
[21:19] <Boris> 10,01much to my chagrin, no
[21:19] <Boris> 10,01it's been alluded two 3 times, once explicitly
[21:19] <Boris> 10,01but they never showed him
[21:19] <Boris> 10,01just said he looked stupid
[21:20] <Boris> 10,01such lazy cg artists missing out on a fanboy moment
[21:20] <Bluejay> 00,02I see
[21:20] <Bluejay> 00,02is the appearance on Lyoko ever explained?
[21:20] <Boris> 10,01like the fact it jumps into 3d?
[21:21] <Bluejay> 00,02no the kids appearances
[21:21] <Boris> 10,01oh the fact that they have the costume and crap
[21:21] <Buzzard> ya
[21:21] <Boris> 10,01I think Jeremie mentions the fact he created digital profiles for them a couple of times
[21:21] <Buzzard> oh
[21:21] <Boris> 10,01hence he could make them look like normal, but it doesn't fit the fact they're warriors there
[21:21] <Boris> 10,01he has a bizzare themeing streak to him? who know~
[21:22] <Boris> 10,01maybe it was by their requests, since Odd turned out so bizzare
[21:23] <FyberOptic> 09,01
[21:23] <FyberOptic> 09,01lol
[21:23] <FyberOptic> 09,01also I just noticed that firefox displays thumbs of the image as the page favicon
[21:23] <FyberOptic> 09,01and it animates
[21:24] <Joefus> 02,15not to interupt but, Boris how do you know so much?
[21:24] <Bluejay> 00,02Borz is Xana
[21:24] <Boris> 10,01I've spent way time digging through the official site and theorising with the other fanboys
[21:24] <Buzzard> Obviously
[21:24] <Boris> 10,01I don't have any special sources, sadly
[21:25] <Joefus> 02,15K I was just thinking that you really are the co-writer of the series or something
[21:25] <Boris> 10,01the closest I've ever been to an insider is that I got to preview the new US site a couple of months before they premieried it
[21:25] <Bluejay> 00,02does Xana ever make an appearance?
[21:25] <Boris> 10,01and tell them to add more fanboy info to it
[21:25] * Blazeman ( has joined #fybertech
[21:25] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Blazeman
[21:25] <Boris> 10,01XANA has never appeared in person, so to speak
[21:26] <Bluejay> 00,02any idea what he/it looks like?
[21:26] <Boris> 10,01what he would look like human is a popular topic of forum fanboy rumbling, although not one of my favorites
[21:27] <Boris> 10,01the problem is, knowing so little about XANA's origin, we have no idea what he values
[21:27] <Buzzard> y
[21:27] <Boris> 10,01or what he'd want to look like
[21:27] <Boris> 10,01we don't even know how he's related to the Carthage Project
[21:27] <Boris> 10,01or if he came later
[21:27] <Bluejay> 00,02the what?
[21:27] <Buzzard> Carthage?
[21:27] <Boris> 10,01this is one of my well connected moments~
[21:28] <Boris> 10,01the real credits, which have only been shown like, twice ever
[21:28] <Boris> 10,01have a series of black and white photos in a file labled Project Carthage
[21:28] <Buzzard> aaaaaannnddd
[21:28] <Boris> 10,01including a bunch of scientists, and mostly pictures of Franz Hopper
[21:28] <FyberOptic> 09,01
[21:28] <Buzzard> ah
[21:29] <Buzzard> holy shit fyber
[21:29] <Buzzard> that's a lot of space
[21:29] <Buzzard> and also XD
[21:29] <Boris> 10,01holy shit, lol
[21:29] <Bluejay> 00,02wow
[21:29] <Bluejay> 00,02Who is Franz Hopper?
[21:29] <Boris> 10,01but anyway, it's assumed the supercalculator + probably the scanners were created as a government/science/military projet
[21:30] <Boris> 10,01Franz Hopper is the major plot point from season two
[21:30] <Buzzard> ah
[21:30] <Boris> 10,01Aelita sees him in her deja vu, Jeremie found him sevral times in computer records
[21:30] <Boris> 10,01eventually, they found his diary and notes in a train station locker
[21:30] <Buzzard> train station?
[21:30] <Boris> 10,01yeah
[21:30] <Bluejay> 00,02where trains go
[21:31] <Buzzard> why train station
[21:31] <Boris> 10,01we know some scattered things about him, but not a full story
[21:31] <Boris> 10,01b/c public lockers
[21:31] <Boris> 10,01in train stations, like public lockers in the subway stations in new york sometimes
[21:31] <Bluejay> 00,02please continue Boris
[21:31] <Buzzard> I know
[21:31] <Buzzard> but WHY a train station
[21:31] <Boris> 10,01pm me
[21:31] <Boris> 10,01maybe I can less confuse you
[21:31] <Buzzard> also, why were they even there
[21:31] <Boris> 10,01while I continue on this w/joe
[21:32] <Boris> 10,01We know from the credits that he probably had a big hand in the creation of the supercomputer + probably scanners
[21:32] <Sino>
[21:32] <Boris> 10,01We know that he was afterword at some point a teacher at the Kadic school
[21:32] <Sino>
[21:32] <Buzzard> phail
[21:33] <Boris> 10,01and that he owned that house in the nearby woods called The Hermitage
* Retrieving #fybertech modes...
[21:33] <Buzzard> ah
[21:33] <Bluejay> 00,02I see
[21:33] <Boris> 10,01we also know in the mid 80's he dissapered completely'
[21:33] <Buzzard> mor liek Xana time
[21:33] <Boris> 10,01most likely having to do with Carthage yes, although less XANA and more the government
[21:34] <Boris> 10,01if Aelita's Deja Vu is taken as fact
[21:34] <Buzzard> m-maybe Xana is Franz Hopper...!
[21:34] <Boris> 10,01more than one person has suggested it
[21:34] <Bluejay> 00,02Dennis Hopper?
[21:34] <Boris> 10,01Jeremie belives, with data he hasn't revealed yet, that that isn't the case though
[21:34] <Buzzard> Maybe Xana i-WHERE IS SARAH CONNOR
[21:35] <Sino> WHERE IS YOURD 5NOW
[21:35] * Blazeman slaps a trout around with a large Sino
[21:35] <Sino> blaze
[21:35] <Boris> 10,01Jeremie, again with something big he hasn't told us yet, seems to belive Franz Hopper is somehow stuck on Lyoko
[21:36] <Buzzard> k
[21:36] <Boris> 10,01maybe prisoner to XANA, maybe something went wrong
« Last Edit: November 16, 2005, 11:28:33 pm by Boris »
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Re: Code Lyoko
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2005, 11:28:56 pm »
infodump p2

[21:36] <Bluejay> 00,02I was about to ask, is Aelita the ONLY one on Lyoko
[21:36] <Boris> 10,01only the writers of the show know fer certain now
[21:36] <Boris> 10,01we havn't even seen any evidence that he's there
[21:36] <Boris> 10,01since it certainly seems empty except for Aelita orriginal, and now just XANA's monsters
[21:37] <Bluejay> 00,02she must have been lonely
[21:37] <Boris> 10,01it was assumed the machine was off for a number of years
[21:37] <Boris> 10,01since sevral times Jeremie or one of the gang mentions turning it back on
[21:37] <Boris> 10,01and they know how to turn it off now
[21:38] <Buzzard> why is it called supercalculator
[21:38] <Buzzard> not supercomputer
[21:38] <Boris> 10,01another one of those french translation things
[21:38] <Buzzard> oh
[21:38] <Boris> 10,01its phoenetically super-calculateur in french
[21:38] <Boris> 10,01which they must assume sounded cooler than supercomputer when they translated it
[21:39] <Buzzard> also, why no badass fights, only quickies and dodge and shoot stuff
[21:39] <Boris> 10,01if its a badass fight preview you want, I can provide
[21:39] <Buzzard> plx
[21:39] <Buzzard> also, where is your magical site
[21:40] <Bluejay> 00,02also where are my pants
[21:40] <Boris> 10,01my magic site is just the official english forum + way too much wasted time
[21:40] <Boris> 10,01
[21:40] <Boris> 10,01there you go @ badass fight
[21:40] <Buzzard> mf
[21:40] <Buzzard> starwars
[21:41] * Blazeman ( Quit (Quit: later chat)
[21:41] <Buzzard> also, that's pretty cool
[21:41] <Boris> 10,01thats from an episode comin up in a couple of weeks
[21:41] <Buzzard> how mani
[21:42] <Buzzard> must watch
[21:42] <Boris> 10,01dunno, I ain't a schedual expter
[21:42] <Bluejay> 00,02awsome
[21:43] <Boris> 10,01but to answer you question, quick move and dodge is better against lasers
[21:44] <Boris> 10,01which is 99% of what they fight
[21:44] <Buzzard> b-but
[21:44] <Buzzard> swors
[21:44] <Buzzard> swords
[21:44] <Sino> [19:40] <@Boris>
[21:44] <Buzzard> and that fan thing
[21:44] <Bluejay> 00,02Boris... I saw Xana once take control of Jeremy... why does he not take over someone who can get to the kids when they are most vulnerable?
[21:44] <Sino> holy shit star wars
[21:44] <Buzzard> ya
[21:44] <Buzzard> I just said that
[21:44] <Boris> 10,01well like who?
[21:44] <Boris> 10,01he used the principal once
[21:45] <Boris> 10,01used the gym coach once, and the school nurse
[21:45] <Boris> 10,01it's been established that he can't posess somebody who's been on Lyoko for whatever reason, so he can't get Jeremie anymore, nor the others of the gang
[21:45] <Boris> 10,01he only got ahold of Aelita with some kind of control device
[21:45] <Buzzard> h-he did that once?
[21:46] <Boris> 10,01did what?
[21:46] <Buzzard> [19:45] [@Boris]: he only got ahold of Aelita with some kind of control device
[21:47] <Boris> 10,01yeah, he had some random dude come in and leave her a necklace, which she assumed was a gift from Jeremie for Valentines day
[21:47] <Bluejay> 00,02Jeremy = too wussie to give gift
[21:47] <Boris> 10,01probably~
[21:48] <Boris> 10,01but he wouldn't fess up that it wasn't him to her personally
[21:48] <Boris> 10,01and it activated before it got worked out
[21:48] <Buzzard> lolplx
[21:48] <Boris> 10,01violent hijinks ensued
[21:48] <Buzzard> obviously that boy needs to grow some balls
[21:48] <Bluejay> 00,02can anyone but Aelita de-activate towers (which look like glow sticks... or giant bongs)
[21:49] <Boris> 10,01he figures his voice is deep enough from the chronic head cold mab
[21:49] <Buzzard> lol @ second thing
[21:49] <Boris> 10,01lol @ bongs
[21:49] <Boris> 10,01you're so right on the glow sticks too
[21:49] <Boris> 10,01cause they come in red blue and green now
[21:49] * Deck ( has joined #fybertech
[21:49] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Deck
[21:49] <Buzzard> green?
[21:49] <Boris> 10,01yeah, in the last couple + that preview up there
[21:49] <Buzzard> when did that start happening
[21:49] <Bluejay> 00,02no white?
[21:50] <Boris> 10,01look at the tower in the preview
[21:50] <Buzzard> and the blue thing
[21:50] <Boris> 10,01it's got a green haze
[21:50] <Boris> 10,01then turns red
[21:50] <Buzzard> I remember they used to turn off in the first season
[21:50] <Boris> 10,01Jeremie figured out how to turn on towers from his console
[21:50] <Buzzard> or was there blue
[21:50] <Buzzard> oh
[21:50] <Buzzard> coll
[21:50] <Boris> 10,01the only problem being that it only lasts for about 5-10 minutes before XANA takes it over
[21:50] <Boris> 10,01and suddenly he has more than one tower
[21:50] <Buzzard> why not turn off all the towers?
[21:50] <Bluejay> 00,02o noes
[21:50] <Bluejay> 00,02why not destroy
[21:51] <Boris> 10,01neither side screws with the towers because they both need em
[21:51] <Boris> 10,01XANA has to turn them on to attack
[21:51] <Boris> 10,01the gang needs them to materialize Aelita
[21:51] <Buzzard> o
[21:51] <Buzzard> b-but
[21:51] <Buzzard> if the last one was turned off, wouldn't that mean no more problem with Xana, but still Aelita?
[21:52] <Boris> 10,01XANA can turn them on again
[21:52] <Buzzard> lame
[21:52] <Boris> 10,01not immidiately or anything
[21:52] <Boris> 10,01he seems to have a cooldown timer
[21:52] <Boris> 10,01but the attacks can recur because he can use a tower over and over
[21:52] <Boris> 10,01and now more than one, if Jeremie turns one on to buy time
[21:53] <Boris> 10,01to answer your orriginal question though, joe, only Aelita can deactivate a tower that XANA turns on
[21:53] <Boris> 10,01we don't know why exactly, but nobody else seems to have acccess to the high platform and the touchscreen pannel
[21:53] <Buzzard> mab because nobody else can fly?
[21:53] <Boris> 10,01lolya
[21:54] <Buzzard> wait where joe
[21:54] <Boris> 10,01err, bluejay
[21:54] <Buzzard> I thought it was me and brue
[21:54] <Boris> 10,01asked me orriginally
[21:54] <Boris> 10,01whoops @ me
[21:54] <Bluejay> 00,02I'm telling you, Jeremy needs to program some o dat action replay shit
[21:54] <Buzzard> loll
[21:54] <Buzzard> yeah
[21:54] <Buzzard> gameshark that shit
[21:54] <Buzzard> make Xana turn into Missingno.
[21:54] <Buzzard> or something
[21:55] <Boris> 10,01I don't know if there is an official reason given as to why he doesn't code them uber hax
[21:55] <Boris> 10,01when XANA prtended to be Franz Hopper in the latest episode, he had no trouble doing it
[21:55] <Boris> 10,01but then, its given that XANA understand the system about 293580 times better than Jeremie
[21:55] <Sino> HEY
[21:55] <Buzzard> b/c it's like Gilligan's Island
[21:55] <Sino> HEY
[21:55] <Boris> 10,01coconut supercalculators
[21:55] <Buzzard> if they figured out how to stop him, the show would end
[21:55] <Boris> 10,01what sino
[21:55] <Boris> 10,01lol that too
[21:56] <Buzzard> if they got off the island in Gilligan's Island, the show would end
[21:56] <Buzzard> thus they never did
[21:56] <Boris> 10,01oh, yeah
[21:56] <Sino> oh, you guys look too busy to answer my question
[21:56] * Bluejay figures it out, materialises a magnet into Lyoko... fries Xana
[21:56] <Buzzard> nah
[21:56] <Boris> 10,01lol @ magnet
[21:56] <Buzzard> go ahead
[21:56] <Buzzard> SINO
[21:56] <Boris> 10,01yeah ima pee anyway
[21:56] <Boris> 10,01ask away sino
[21:56] <Buzzard> I can prolly bs my way through an answer
[21:56] <Sino> Anyone know of a good client that I can make music off of?
[21:56] <Buzzard> hmm
[21:57] <Buzzard> Garageband
[21:57] <Buzzard> or if windows user
[21:57] <Buzzard> ask fyber
[21:57] <Sino> thats free
[21:57] <Buzzard> ask fyber
[21:57] <Buzzard> consult google
[21:57] <Boris> 10,01msuci
[21:57] <Boris> 10,01uhh
[21:57] <Boris> 10,01FruityLoops
[21:57] <Sino> are those for real
[21:57] <Boris> 10,01it ain't free, but I bet you could find the Kazaa discount
[21:58] <Sino> or just goatse links
[21:58] <Boris> 10,01ok, back
[21:58] <Boris> 10,01anyway, the answer roughly is that Jeremie only has tenuous control over the current functions
[21:58] <Boris> 10,01and that he can't program uberhax
[21:58] <Boris> 10,01any other "why?"
[21:59] <Bluejay> 00,02Why does Xana not just talk it out? Also.. does God have feet?
[21:59] <Boris> 10,012) depends on the religion
[21:59] <Boris> 10,011) Another good "we don't know enough about XANA" kind of question
[21:59] <Boris> 10,01he's clearly able to communicate
[22:00] <Boris> 10,01he demands Jeremie admit defeat a couple of times with a posessed person, and he tried to trick them in Ghost Channel, one of the better season 1 eps
[22:00] <Boris> 10,01it's assumed he's too busy with the whole KILL ALL HUMANS robot mode to try anything but death and destruction
[22:01] <Boris> 10,01maybe the occasional psychological warfare for good measure, ala "Amnesia", "XANA's Kiss", etc
[22:02] <Buzzard> wait, Ghost Channel was the one where they "logged out" of Lyoko into a fake real world, right?
[22:02] <Boris> 10,01anyway, I've probably covered everything by now
[22:03] <Boris> 10,01indeed, buzzard
[22:03] <Buzzard> and Xana was pretending to be Jeremie?
[22:03] <Buzzard> ya
[22:03] <Boris> 10,01yeah
[22:03] <Buzzard> I liked that one
[22:03] <Boris> 10,01he was trying to trick em into the fake scanners to kill
[22:03] <Bluejay> 00,02I never saw that one
[22:03] <Boris> 10,01and they ratted him out easily when real jeremie came inside
[22:03] <Boris> 10,01the second time he's alluded a trip to lyoko
[22:03] <Bluejay> 00,02one last question.... do u think yumi is hawt
[22:03] <Joefus> 02,15night guys
[22:03] <Buzzard> later Joe
[22:03] <Bluejay> 00,02night joe
[22:03] * Boris machinegun's bluejay for hours
[22:04] <Boris> 10,01I'm so very very tired of locking that topic on the forum
[22:04] <Boris> 10,01or the other one's just like it
[22:04] <Buzzard> sry
[22:04] <Buzzard> sry
[22:04] * Bluejay is glad the bullits are made of water
[22:04] <Buzzard> srysry
[22:04] <Buzzard> srysyrsy
[22:04] <Buzzard> sry syrys
[22:04] <Buzzard> ysr
[22:04] <Buzzard>  s
[22:04] <Buzzard> what forum
[22:04] <Buzzard> where
[22:04] <Buzzard> when
[22:04] <Boris> 10,01anyway, I practically invented a branch of this show's fandom
[22:04] <Boris> 10,01
[22:05] <Boris> 10,01with the Scanner Theory topic
[22:05] <Boris> 10,01where we went around talking about how it would work
[22:05] <Bluejay> 00,02ugly colors that forum has
[22:05] <Boris> 10,01I TRIED TO TELL EM
[22:06] <Boris> 10,01they don't listen
[22:06] <Boris> 10,01b/c snooty french
[22:06] <Boris> 10,01also thats a very unsecure software as fyber has laughed about consatntly
[22:06] * Bluejay kill french?
[22:06] <Boris> 10,01nevertheless, if you wade through all the crap on there, the latest info is avalible once in a while
[22:07] <Buzzard> where mod Borz
[22:07] <Boris> 10,01I'm the mod with the moniker AmericanLyokoTeam
[22:07] <Buzzard> oh
[22:07] <Boris> 10,01I'd make a topic to prove it, but the void was in chaos for weeks afterword
[22:07] <Boris> 10,01with people who assumed it was aok to spam their favorite group's name
[22:08] <Boris> 10,01after I did a simple 'sup fybertech' last time
[22:08] <Buzzard> ???
[22:08] <Boris> 10,01last time I wanted to prove thats who I was there
[22:08] <Buzzard> oh
[22:09] <Boris> 10,01oh yeah, some more werid facts
[22:09] <DracoLordHavenX> 15,01Oops, accidently fell asleep at the compy.
[22:09] <FyberOptic> 09,01lol
[22:09] <Boris> 10,01the factory in the show is based off a real location, the old Renault Auto factory
[22:09] <Buzzard> lol @
[22:09] <FyberOptic> 09,01you must have a comfortable desk area
[22:09] <Buzzard> coll
[22:09] <FyberOptic> 09,01I could never fall asleep at mine
[22:09] <Buzzard> My computer desk place is a bed
[22:09] <Boris> 10,01I have a proof somewhere, hang on
[22:10] <Boris> 10,01
[22:10] <Boris> 10,01
[22:10] <Buzzard> mf
[22:10] <Buzzard> wate where trapdoor on bridge
[22:10] <Bluejay> 00,02lies, building is wite
[22:11] <Boris> 10,01they took some liberties obviously
[22:11] <Bluejay> 00,02and made a statue out of them
[22:11] <Boris> 10,01there isn't really a supercomputer and impossible matter to energy manipulation equiptment underneath the factory either
[22:11] <Bluejay> 00,02WHAT HAPPENED TO FRANCE 2?
[22:11] <Buzzard> obviously
[22:12] <Boris> 10,01you say that
[22:12] <Boris> 10,01and demonstrate more intellegence than half the posters on the OB
[22:12] <Buzzard> what
[22:12] <Buzzard> and buh
[22:13] <Buzzard> what does OB stand for
[22:13] <Buzzard> and what did I say
[22:13] <Boris> 10,01half the posters on the Official Board see that for the first time, and think "wow, the scanners must reall be down there, dur~"
[22:13] <Buzzard> oh
[22:13] <Buzzard> coll
[22:13] <Boris> 10,01this is because they are, on average, 11
[22:13] <Buzzard> of course
[22:15] <Boris> 10,01this show has a seriously young audience
[22:15] <Boris> 10,01except for me mostly
[22:16] <Boris> 10,01I'm ballacing out that curve just a little
[22:16] <Joefus> 02,15OK i'm really leaving this ime
[22:16] <Boris> 10,01later joe
[22:16] <Joefus> 02,15take care all
[22:16] * Joefus ( Quit (Quit: later chat)
[22:19] <Boris> 10,01I'm gonna turn a bunch of this junk into a forum post, I think
<Armature> i just really want centaur Azula


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Re: Code Lyoko
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2005, 06:32:39 am »
I also watch Code Lyoko a bunch, but I can't get the forums to work for me.

Edit: Except that I just did.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2005, 07:09:08 am by MDude »


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Re: Code Lyoko
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2005, 08:09:14 am »
So Boris...... since Lyoko is in a computer world... shouldn't time be much faster?
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Re: Code Lyoko
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2005, 01:38:44 pm »
its pretty cool


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Re: Code Lyoko
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2005, 02:34:09 pm »
I watched one of the older episodes one night and was like wow, I miss that old jeremy voice. The new guy sounds all weird and not like anyone I have ever heard of before.


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Re: Code Lyoko
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2005, 03:46:12 pm »
I don't like the show but I like the theme song.


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Re: Code Lyoko
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2005, 03:56:43 pm »
I watch the show sometimes and it has its moments. I could live with out the  cliched two charcters like each other and everyone knows it, but no one makes a move thing though. Where every episode its a will they won't they do something. That goes for Aelita/Jeremy and Orick/Umi.


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Re: Code Lyoko
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2005, 04:15:36 pm »
What is code lyoko about?


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Re: Code Lyoko
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2005, 04:22:51 pm »
Watch it and you'll find out. also, (A)gree with Vito
Ten years to the minute, no longer in it.


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Re: Code Lyoko
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2005, 04:23:28 pm »
I dont like the theme song, or the show. It just doesnt make sense. It's like the Matrix, only sucky. And with kids with heads 3x there torso size


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Re: Code Lyoko
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2005, 06:05:39 pm »
Have you looked at are chibis?


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Re: Code Lyoko
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2005, 06:06:49 pm »
All of tyhe Chibi avatars here are cool, plus are heads are only 5x the size of our torsos


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Re: Code Lyoko
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2005, 06:08:34 pm »
Hurray for chibis!


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Re: Code Lyoko
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2005, 06:52:36 pm »
Watch it and you'll find out. also, (A)gree with Vito

I will If I get to see the first episode.