In another possible time-wasted project, from the makers of
LJ-Chan, I give you
Hazard Labs circa 2003! By piecing together old files I had hidden away along with a little help from
Internet Archive when necessary, I was able to reconstruct an early 2003 design of the site, almost entirely.
BUT, there's a few things which don't work/aren't there:
- Most of the comics (except Mess and #1 and #67 of AOTBO)
- Omnidex
- A couple of Gift Shop images
- Forte sprite button on Sprites page
- Link buttons on the Links page
- Club H
- Slider game
And I think that's it. Everything else works, even the H-Board! Though I
purposely broke registering on the board for security reasons. There's a small chance I might have part of the old Omnidex, and I might try fixing some of the comics which I still have, but most of those are lost forever. At least to my knowledge.
Something to keep in mind is that parts of the site aren't all of the exact same time period. They may be a few months off here and there, but that's basically how the site looked back then.
You need to view the site in Internet Explorer, or it'll look messed up in some places. Also, if nothing loads when you try, chances are my shitty router is down again and I haven't reset it yet. Just try again laters.
Another thing to note is that I had little to do with any of the site at this time period aside from making Gordon. The rest was done by Spug and Bumblefly. I was just a hanger-on, back when it was all about fun and sprite comics using copyrighted characters!
WHY WOULD I DO SUCH A THING? I dunno, I had thought about doing it a while back and never did, and after sorting through some old files the other day and finding some of this stuff, I thought now's as good a time as any. I just like to fix things! It involved a lot of that, and I managed to learn a few things here and there which I didn't think would happen when I started. I even repaired a broken PNG file for the main page in a hex editor. HOW'S THAT FOR HARDCORE.
Anyhoo, enjoy I guess. I dunno how long I'll leave it up. The
modern Hazard Labs is back up again for the moment as well, since Deck still wanted some more stuff from the Omnidex or something. Afterwards I'll prolly set it back to the
holder page.