After seeing a LUELinks topic done this way, I wanted to document a civ game of my own.
I'll be using the Buffy mod, which combines a couple of other mods designed to improve your ability to see information at a glance, and access it more deeply than in the vanilla game.
I'm playing on Noble which is sort of a breakwater level of difficulty: Neither the computer or you get any advantages.
I'll be doing a standard continents map (two big landmasses separated by ocean, few islands)

I'm pretty much setting only two things oddly, the first is that special resource distribution is balanced instead of clumping like it does more realistically by default: More game-like but more fun. Also, I'm allowing religion choice on doing a religion-giving research because seeing Buddhism and Hindu dominate the world just about every time gets old.

uhhhhh, sure why not. The random draw has made us Montezuma. Spiritual is a crap trait, temples already build cheaply and no anarchy just isn't a big deal based on how often you realistically change civics. Aggressive is ok in my opinion, you get a basic unit strength promotion for free on melee and gunpower units. The HoF noise just means it's not the right settings to be sent in as a Hall of Fame game for CivFanatics. I'm not doing any such thing here so it doesn't matter that my settings won't allow for it.

His special unit is actually kind of cool: You don't need metal to build it, it gets a woodsman promotion for free meaning you defend better in trees or jungle, and already always has his aggressive combat 1 promotion, on top of the usual bonus for attacking cities that default swordsmen have. These things turn into stupidly powerful units for whatever purpose you promote them to quickly. Just about the only thing they fear is axemen, and even then they win sometimes.

His unique building could be gamebreaking in the wrong hands, I guess, but I usually hardly ever whip. I've started skipping slavery entirely in favor of un-buildinged specialists from caste system or faster improvements of feudalism if I've been slow with workers. The good news is that courthouses are just about goddamn necessary so you'll get these things everywhere if you want them or not.

My start location is a little uninteresting for a capital city, maybe as a result of using balanced resources. Trees are always nice, especially trees on hills which I don't feel guilty about cutting for quick production, and there is a lot of food, which kind of plays into the way you're supposed to go with monty. I spend a turn moving south so that my fat cross will also include the pigs down there.

I don't have a strong feel on a lot of the beyond the sword leaders, so I dunno what to make of him at this point. Later it'll become clear he's one of the EXPAND MORE NOWWWWW types like a less threatening Zara Yaqob. The majesty of Babylon is apparently losing with 12 cities to a guy with 5 when the war starts. Actually, his unique unit is a better archer, so he could be a bitch if he were your nearest neighbor and you wanted a quick war.

That spot with the gold and flood plains looks amazingly appealing for a commerce city, unfortunately it's really damn close to Wang Kon (who I apperently never got a picture of, scanning my archive here). Guess we'll have to deal with that.

I hate this guy. he's reasonably aggressive, reasonably tech-happy, expands at a decent rate, and never ever seems to run out of money. he's a lot like a player character really. Notice that Hammurabi has founded Judaism by this point.

Tenochtitlan has some basic farm improvements on the corn and wheat now. With so much food I'm using it as a settler factory. I somehow failed to notice that copper, so I'm going for iron immediately, before animal husbandry or pottery. I have, rarely for me, switched to slavery, but I'm chopping mountaintop trees to get some fast hammers for settlers.

Teotih- fuckit, I'm just gonna abbreviate these crazy Aztech names.
I beat Wang Kon to the best land with Teo there, but he's expanding up into my grill radically. Actually I really should have located it on top of that oasis in retrospect, pig would have helped later food problems, but I guess I felt I needed it closer to home at the time.

Jesus Christ it's a lion get in the - fuck the car won't be invented for several thousand years, so this settler gets itself embarrassingly eaten. This is an object lesson I quit more goddamn games over: Always escort your settlers. Having the barbs eat it is the most embarrassing goddamn time waster.

Iron working reveals I have a deposit right next to my capital, but I don't really need it for the jag's, so this is just kind of a convenience for later. I start cranking them out.

Metal Casting is stupidly time expensive here, but I have a Montezuma moment and decide to go for the military tech anyway.

Just as I have a respectable pile of guys ready to go, Wang Kon cranks an axeman out to counter them. Crap. It turns into a now or never situation for the rush, as he's only gonna make more of those.

I don't actually lose a single Jag attacking into the city, it cuts off his supply of copper and renders the axeman threat a thing of the past. My capital is losing population as I whip them into becoming more Jaguars.

If that all you have to brag about, maybe you should have stayed home today.

Seoul has some axemen already ready, such that I don't have enough jags, so I just terrorize the countryside and take down any new towns Wang Kon tries to build. Near the very top an axeman is actually menacing one my jags, hiding in a jungle so he can't get an easykill on it.

He has no metal, how is he building these fucking things. Notice in the lower left this stack dead center has a settler in it, gonna have to waste a few jags to take it down so he can't expand.

Fuck this, I'm Montezuma, crack down and have it be known the beating will continue until morale improves!

The barbs are up to primitive men with clubs now, which means they'll enter my borders and try to eat all the delicious gold. I spare a jag or two from the war to go put a stop to that.