[18:56] * Guest69703 has joined #fybertech
[18:56] <+Sino> They say possibly tommorow now.
[18:57] <+Sino> \(^o^)/
[18:57] <Guest69703> hellow I just mad $100 off prof.
[18:57] <+Armature> ?
[18:57] * Guest69703 is now known as shy
[18:57] <+Sino> How.
[18:57] <@FyberOptic> O_o
[18:57] <+Sino> TELL ME
[18:58] <shy> fyber Prof is lost whith out you
[18:58] <@FyberOptic> b-but how did you mad $100
[18:58] <shy> ok
[18:58] <@FyberOptic> ok
[18:59] -FyberOptic:+#fybertech- goes home
[18:59] <+Sino> Who did you make that $100 buck?
[18:59] <shy> I had to fix some gliches in the site
[18:59] <+Sino> I call bullshit.
[18:59] -Boris:+#fybertech- lol wtf is he ramblin abouyt
[18:59] <@FyberOptic> like what
[18:59] <shy> like a thousend
[18:59] -FyberOptic:+#fybertech- he's off playing hero in his daydreams is all
[18:59] <+Sino> NAME ONE.
[18:59] <@FyberOptic> it was the binary code again
[19:00] <@FyberOptic> I KNEW IT
[19:00] <shy> the contracted vireses
[19:00] <shy> + that
[19:00] <+Sino> I never knew he had any.........!
[19:00] -Boris:+#fybertech- this is sad in an 'I know too much" kinda way
[19:00] <@FyberOptic> so prof already gave you the $100?
[19:00] <shy> hakers hit him hard
[19:01] <@FyberOptic> that's bad
[19:01] <@FyberOptic> I hate hackers
[19:01] <shy> it is in the bank
[19:01] <@FyberOptic> they tried to fuck me up once
[19:01] -Sino:+#fybertech- I want to laugh at this so hard
[19:01] <@FyberOptic> and then I said
[19:01] <@FyberOptic> plz
[19:01] <@FyberOptic> don't hack me guys
[19:01] <@FyberOptic> plz
[19:01] -Boris:+#fybertech- DO IT
[19:01] <@FyberOptic> then they were like
[19:01] <@FyberOptic> sry
[19:01] <@FyberOptic> and then then hacked me
[19:01] <shy> amen
[19:01] <@FyberOptic> I pooped in my pants a little bit
[19:01] <@FyberOptic> I'm still wearing those pants

[19:01] -Sino:+#fybertech- CLASSIC
[19:01] <+Armature> the hacker was me
[19:01] <shy> kill
[19:02] -Sino:+#fybertech- LOLS some more
[19:02] -Sino:+#fybertech- Should we tell him?
[19:02] <@FyberOptic> so did you tell prof about the hackers
[19:03] <shy> my job is to clean up the messes your kind mack
[19:03] <shy> yes
[19:03] <@FyberOptic> where did you talk to him
[19:03] -Sino:+#fybertech- I'm crying here.
[19:03] <shy> Aim
[19:03] -Boris:+#fybertech- your kind?
[19:04] -FyberOptic:+#fybertech- he's talking about mets
[19:04] <@FyberOptic> good thing we have you on the internet
[19:04] <@FyberOptic> those hackers are still after me
[19:04] -Sino:+#fybertech- I think hes going all Clint Eastwood on us.
[19:04] -Boris:+#fybertech- I have no idea what that means
[19:04] <shy> it figers prof only likes me when I am usful
[19:04] <@FyberOptic> yeah .. . .
[19:04] -Sino:+#fybertech- He's being a badass.
[19:05] <@Boris> well yeah
[19:05] -Sino:+#fybertech- Or at least tring to.
[19:05] <@Boris> prof sure likes folks that can do their job
[19:05] <shy> fyber if hackers hit here I get them for free
[19:05] <@FyberOptic> I guess shy will build his site from now on
[19:05] <@FyberOptic> with firewalls and logic gates and stuff
[19:06] <+Armature> HEY FYBER
[19:06] <+Armature> I'M IN YOUR COMPUTER
[19:06] <@Boris> logic gates are important for a good site
[19:06] <@FyberOptic> SPOT IT
[19:06] <shy> ok
[19:06] <@FyberOptic> SPOT IT
[19:06] <@FyberOptic> SPOT IT
[19:06] <+Armature> YOU GOT SOME GOOD PORN
[19:06] -Sino:+#fybertech- I want to tell him he's an idiot so hard
[19:06] -Boris:+#fybertech- this is funnier
[19:06] -FyberOptic:+#fybertech- lol he's too funny to talk to
[19:06] <shy> stop or deth
[19:06] -Boris:+#fybertech- lets see if we can make him use logic gates and website in a sentance
[19:06] <+Armature> o-oh god, this one sick
[19:06] <@Boris> good ultimatum
[19:06] <@FyberOptic> plx
[19:06] <@FyberOptic> mets
[19:06] <@FyberOptic> stop hax me
[19:06] <@FyberOptic> i thot we were firends
[19:06] <shy> mets die
[19:06] <@FyberOptic> my firewalls are dying

[19:07] <+Armature> Hey Fyber, smwech
[19:07] -Sino:+#fybertech- Firewalls = Virginity?
[19:07] -Boris:+#fybertech- mets quit with like an 'anti-hacked!' quit message
[19:07] <shy> 1000111km1-11-1--1-1-11-1-1-1-1--1--1-,1-1-.1-11-1i1c10-1-c-11-1-1-c
[19:07] <@FyberOptic> OSHIT
[19:07] <+Armature> I'm hacking Boris now
[19:07] * +Armature types rapidly on keyboard
[19:07] <@Boris> Mets, you'd better stop, my college will catch you
[19:07] <@Boris> they know how to use logic gates for defense!
[19:07] <@FyberOptic> oh no he's in the server
[19:03] * Armature (Quit: ANTI-HACKED)
* Rejoined channel #fybertech
[19:08] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Armature
[19:08] <+Sino> O NO HES BACK
[19:08] <+Armature> AHAHAHAH
[19:08] <+Sino> GET HIM FRIEND SHY
[19:08] <@FyberOptic> SHIT THE FIREWALLS
[19:08] <@Boris> shy, did you use logic gates on him?
[19:08] <+Armature> YOU CAN'T STOP ME FOR LONG
[19:08] <@Boris> I'm trying to learn those
[19:08] <+Armature> SHYHAIR, I'M IN YOUR INTERNET
[19:09] -Sino:+#fybertech- i peed myself a little
[19:09] <+Armature> I'M DELITING YOUR FILES
[19:09] <@FyberOptic> hey did you hack the labs?
[19:09] <shy> ha ha ha hs
[19:09] -Sino:+#fybertech- SHIT COVERS BLOWN!
[19:09] -> -@+#fybertech- I call trill rights
[19:09] <shy> ha trap
[19:09] * shy has quit IRC (Quit: later chat)