Aiurr is a small country in the middle of the sea which seperates north-eastern Russia and Alaska. It has little access to the mainland, but what little it does have the poorest people live their, with the rich living in the grand city of Protossia. The nation has 8 castes:
Farmer Caste: The poorest people in this nation work as pig farmers, supplying much of the food supply.
Miner Caste: Lower middle class citizens work as silver miners, providing much of the nations economy.
Trader Caste: Upper middle class citizens work as traders, handling foreign trade from Armaturia, Gweenland, and Nosdivia.
Military Caste: The warriors of the nation, they are well trained in hand to hand combat and several forms of martial arts (CQC, Tai Chi, Dragon style, and Northern Shaolin style), knife combat, and marksmenship training.
Noble Caste: The rich people that live in the upper towers of the city and dress in bright blue and velvet robes.
Religious Caste: The richest and most religiously dedicated people are chosen to be the priests and priestesses of the Grand Temple of Adun and Adium, the god of life and death, and the goddess of war and peace
Council Caste: A council chosen by the people, consisting of 30 members.
The Grand Council Caste: The rulers of the city, consisting of 9 members, one for each caste and the grand council member, Judicater Tran.
It is a peaceful nation, and as such, is a place of spiritual guideance and peace for those that come here. It is home to some of the greatest universitys and religious temples in the world. The capitol city has buildings seemingly made of gold, and glowing blue crystals as the citys main power sources, with two others being hydroelectric power and solar power.